Monday, June 17, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3278

AM WORKOUT (0410 wake up via alarm)


30 rounds, EMOM

Round 1: SSB Front Squat w/260lb (sets of 3 for the first 5 rounds, sets of 2 for last 5)

Round 2: 1x185lb log clean and push press (missed last round)

Round 3: 62.5lb NG chins (sets of 3 for first 5 rounds, sets of 2 for final 5)


3x10 standing ab wheel

50 band pull aparts

16 axle shrugs w/strong bands

100 Poundstone Curls

50 band pushdowns w/light band


Moderate walk w/dog


* Heat index was the biggest factor in today’s training.  I was legit sweating simply walking downstairs from the bedroom this morning, and my garage was like an oven.  Yesterday we hit triple digits, and that heat doesn’t dissipate in the garage so early in the morning.  I was able to wring out my clothes once the workout was over, and you can see how I’m just pouring sweat through it all.  It’s why my assistance work was so paltry: once the main work was done, I was done.  It is what I dig about this approach though: 30 minutes of hard work, then scale the assistance based off what I can do.

* If you didn’t believe in miracles before, that first front squat should make you a believer, because if you saw how 205 went in my warm-ups you’d never believe it was possible.  My lower back remains sufficiently fried, as that heavy yoke yesterday most likely torched it.  Aside from that, all of the walking out in the sun had me pretty dehydrated, and though eating about 300g of protein in one sitting at Texas De Brazil was enjoyable, training the next day is always interesting, as I’m still feeling quite full by the time the morning shows up.  But, on the plus side, I was mowing without my shirt yesterday and my Valkyrie told me “Only you could eat 1/3 of a cow and still look incredible”.  That’s gotta be the most anabolic compliment I’ve ever received.

* I am quite excited about that log performance.  That’s 5lbs away from competition weight.  My last comp, I never came close to comp weight in training, and come comp day I completely biffed.  Considering I’m hitting the log each round AFTER heavy front squats, with no belt or elbow sleeves, and being on a timer, this bodes well.  Being able to set myself up beforehand and have all my tools is going to make the event a lot more tolerable.

* Dog and I barely dodged the rainstorm, which is what had us bring our walk in a little earlier.  On this note, family is looking to welcome a boxer puppy into our tribe at the beginning of August, if all goes well.  Will mean even more walking in my future.  We may need to legit get a dog stroller to bring our pug along with us.

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