Friday, June 14, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3275

AM WORKOUT (0410 wake up via alarm)


30 minutes, EMOM

Round 1: 8x185 SSB squats

Round 2: 2-3x175 log viper press

Round 3: 3x60 chins

Finish with max SSB squats w/135lb in 3 minutes (40 reps total)


3x10 standing ab wheel

50 band pull aparts

100 Axle (Poundstone) Curls

50 band pushdowns


Longer walk w/dog (sub 2 miles)


* My theory that the zercher squats on the middle day would preserve my lower back compared to trap bar pulls proved incorrect: my lower back was absolutely fried when I attempted SSB squats against bands, so I went with the previous week’s pivot and went with “bodyweight” on the SSB squat for sets of 8 across.  Definitely had an impact on me, because this workout was exhausting, and by round 3 I already was curious if I would survive.

* Which is why I went with sets of 2-3 on the viper press.  I got through 3 full rounds of 3s, went with a 2 for round 4, sought to alternate between 2s and 3s each round, but on round 8 and 9 I got 2s, and on the final round I went for a 3 but lost it due to grip spacing.  All of that said, I realized today that I haven’t had headspins or blackouts on the log this entire training block, which is an outstanding development.  I believe I’ve gotten my electrolyte supplementation sorted out, which is basically to always include a little sprinkle of the stuff in all the water I drink, along with some intentional supplementation early in the morning and late at night.

* Chins were hot garbage today.  Not sure why.  Tang Soo Do has been turning up the heat this week, and 3 classes in a row might have accumulated some fatigue (could also be why my lower back is stressed).  Ended up changing the grips a bunch.

* Still like what I’ve stolen from Juggeryoke on the max squats for 3 minutes. Good finisher for this day and a lead in to the weekend.

* I was completely wiped out when this was all over, so the assistance work was pretty limited.  I knew, intellectually, I needed to get in some rows, but I just had nothing in me for them.

* My dog isn’t handling the heat too well, so I kept the walk a little shorter.  Tang Soo Do last night was another solid workout.  And next week is sparring, so 3 nights in a row of that should be solid.

* Really big and fun weekend.  We’re doing essentially a county fair tonight (Turkey leg time!), seeing “Inside Out 2” on Saturday, and Father’s Day on Sunday is going to include a meal at Texas De Brazil, and ideally a nice long family walk.

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