Monday, June 10, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3271

AM WORKOUT (0410 Wake up via alarm)


30 minutes, EMOM

Round 1: 3x300lb Squat

Round 2: 2x180lb log clean and push press away

Round 3: 3x60lb NG chins

Finish out with 2 minutes of Tabata interval log clean and push press away w/135lb


3x10 standing ab wheel

50 band pull aparts

2x25 dips

25 axle shrugs against strong bands

Neck harness

30 GHRs


Moderate walk w/dog


* This was positively brutal.  I was happy to redeem myself from last week’s squats, and 300 was just about perfect, but these were painful.  My right hip is doing that thing again, which typically correlates with axle deadlifts in a ROM progression cycle, and I’m sure yesterday’s yoke work played a role there as well.  Took a few sets to start feeling comfortable.  I caught myself on set 7 bringing the stance out a bit too wide.  First rep was always the hardest, and then after that I could follow on ok, and the re-rack always triggered the hip.

* Original intent was triples on the log, but that became non-viable.  It’s no surprise my log push press is awful, given I never train it.  I throw the little conditioning bit at the end to get some work in with it.  But given this is beltless, first thing in the morning, in an EMOM cycle, it bodes well for comp day, as I’m only 10lbs below weight and not struggling near like I was for my last comp.

* Chins are remaining solid.  Low reps are treating me well.

* Conditioning held out ok.  I was struggling at the end, but that was earned.  Assistance was solid choices, although I forgot to get in some rows, but given the choice between those and the GHRs, I’m happy with my choice.

* Thinking zercher and incline benching for the next workout.  Will have to think about what back work may end up being.  Chins would be logistically difficult.

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