Tuesday, June 18, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3279

AM WORKOUT (0410 wake up via alarm)

**PHYREXIAN DREADNOUGHT** Week 3, Workout 2 (out of sequence)

30 minute EMOM

Round 1: 3x205 axle zercher squat from floor

Round 2: 3x110lb weighted dip

Round 3: 62.5lb weighted chin (2 on the first round, 3 on the second, then 2 with 2 bodyweight for remainder of workout)


12x405 low handle trap bar lift (had to reset on rep 7 due to handles going forward 



3x10 standing ab wheel

Lateral Raise circuit (35x10lb, 35x5, 35x2.5, 35x empty hands)

50 pull aparts

Neck harness

35 GHRs


Moderate walk w/dog


* Ran the workouts two days in a row due to schedule.  Valkyrie and I both get Juneteenth off, and I want to be able to sleep in with her tomorrow rather than get up at o’dark stupid on a day off, so this afforded me that opportunity.  Thankfully, the movements are varied enough that there wasn’t a significant fatigue variable to mitigate.

* Zerchers were much smoother this time.  Picking up the skill of the lift.  In turn, I most likely could have gone heavier than just a 5lb increase, but this may bode well from a recovery standpoint.  It was reflected in the post EMOM trap bar pull, because I was significantly less fatigued and far more powerful on that.  Had I not needed to reset on rep 7, I imagine I would have seen even more reps there, but even the warm-ups felt better this time around.  I DID have to work around the road rash I have on both elbows: it might be worth my consideration to get some loose elbow sleeves.

* On the topic of elbow sleeves, I didn’t use any for the dips.  Part of that was logistics, as it would have eaten into too much time in the EMOM, but I also know taking them off and putting them on a bunch of times would be like putting my open wound through a cheese grater.  No issues to speak of training without them though: still came through strong.  Once again: just a big fan of weighted dips.

* Chins were struggling today, so came up with the idea to chase the weighted work with unweighted work just to get in a little extra volume.  In general, my chins just aren’t what they used to be: I probably need to go through a block where I prioritize them.

* Decent enough assistance work.  I wasn’t totally wasted, but still pretty wiped out training in the heat.  Getting those 35 GHRs was hard fought.

* First of 3 sparring nights in Tang Soo Do tonight.  Should be a decent workout.  As my Valkyrie improves, I get to open up more and try out new tricks.

Apparently Chaos remains the plan, because I signed up for another grappling competition.  31 Aug, men's white belt (no longer a novice) 171-185lb division.  I do have up to one month before the comp to cancel, if something comes up, but this seems exciting.

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