Wednesday, July 3, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3292

AM WORKOUT (0410 wake up via alarm)

**PHYREXIAN DREADNOUGHT** Phase 2, Week 2, Workout 2

30 minutes EMOM

Round 1: 3x220lb axle zercher squat from floor

Round 2: 3x117.5lb dips

Round 3: 2x60lb NG chins


Finish w/16x405lb trap bar lift


Spend remainder of day destroying/building a deck, with a Tang Soo Do class thrown in.


* Life is busy right now with the construction project, so keep it on the quick.  Zerchers felt really strong, which caught me off guard but I took it.  Dips were solid.  Chins are falling apart again.  The trap bar lift is amazing; that's twice as many reps as what I started with.  My pulling is growing well while my pushing is struggling, which makes sense because I weighed in at 80.8 kg this morning, and I tend to get better at pulling as I get leaner because my mechanics improve. 

* STILL gripping the handles in the wrong spot on the trap bar, but I corrected early enough that I could get those 16 reps.

* Training is going to be a little iffy with the holiday, construction and family visiting, but I'll get what I can in.  I'm getting in a lot of activity as it is.

* I talked about how yesterday was the anniversary of my decision to change myself, and what's ironic is, by weighing in at 80.8kg, I'm actually 1lb heavier than I was when I was 14, which, on paper, makes it look like I barely changed since then.  It's amazing how much the scale DOESN'T tell.  But while discussing scales, I was holding at 82kg for about 3 weeks and then finally had this breakthrough, but the entire time I've been getting leaner and leaner.  This is a good data point for my upcoming comps: give myself 4 weeks so my body can spend 3 weeks unf**king itself and then actually start dropping weight.

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