Friday, July 26, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3313

AM WORKOUT (0410 wake up via alarm)

**PHYREXIAN DREADNOUGHT** Phase 3, Week 3, Workout 3

10 minutes EMOM of axle clean and strict press away w/136lbs


ZENO SQUATS (12 deep breaths between sets)











3x10 standing ab wheel

7x115lb DB rows

50 band pull aparts

50 band pushdowns

25 band curls

21 GHRs


Short walk w/dog


* 6.5 hours of Tang Soo Do in one week showed up this morning: I was just wiped out and had nothing in me for that press.  I imagine my reduced food intake is part of that too.  Plan was a bunch of 4s and 3s, but the fact I couldn’t even clean the axle into place showed that I lost all pop in me.  Just grinded out what I could.  I need to get smarter and wave these weights ala 5/3/1: it’s really the missing piece to this program.  Can’t just keep hammering heavy weights.

* All that said, major victory on the Zeno squats.  I used an overwarm in my warm-ups, which was a trick I picked up during my Super Squats run, and I think that was a good call.  They were definitely tough, but not beyond my ability, and it was great to see growth on all sets.  The widowmaker at the end is getting even more ridiculous.  I’m feeling myself stall at the midway point of the squat, but given it’s beltless with the close stance, I’ll take it.

* Had nothing left in me for the assistance, so just went with what needed doing.  

* More sparring last night.  Valkyrie and I squared off in the first round of the first class AGAIN.  Sucks when that happens: means I get fewer reps.  Close fought match that she won with a body punch and went on to win the rest of the class.  In the follow on senior class, I made it to the penultimate round and lost against the senior student.  He’s super tall and lanky, and at one point I went in for a push kick and ended up tangled up in his legs.  Interesting problem to run into.  I was also just completely fatigued from this full week of training and could see some of that lack of explosiveness coming through.  I’m not complaining at all though: I feel like a combat sports athlete again with so much training.

* Celebrating the Valkyrie’s birthday this weekend.  Going to be some good food and doing whatever she wants to do.  I imagine I can still get in my deadlift workout, but otherwise, just going to do some living.

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