Friday, July 19, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3306

AM WORKOUT (0505 wake up via wife's alarm)

**PHYREXIAN DREADNOUGHT** Phase 3, Week 2, Workout 3

Open with 1 minute of 176 axle continental and push press away (3)

Then 5 1 minute rounds of 155 axle continental and push press away (3-4-5-5-4 from what I recall)

ZENO Squats










2 1 minute hanging sessions

3x10 standing ab wheel

50 band pull aparts


* Slept in because I took the day off work to be with my kiddo and it's been an awesome day.

* Split the workout in half: got half done with the Valkyrie got ready for work, other half when she left.  It was honestly hard to find the drive to start back up again, so I was delighted with how the Zeno squats turned out.  God, this thing ALWAYS works: I REALLY need to quit quitting it.  It's just like ROM progression: any time I try something else, it's just not as good.

* Strugglebussing on the continentals today.  Lower back was pretty stiff: think it was all the Tang Soo Do.  Shirt was slippery as well.  Maybe that grip shirt will be helpful.  Once I got things in place though, I felt REALLY strong on the push presses.  Starting to find my groove on them again.

* Satisfied with the depth on the Zenos and the strength in general.  Getting a 1 rep PR on the widowmaker at the end was awesome. Went back to my old trick of counting 5s vs straight to 20.  It works.  

* Kept assistance work light, because I wanted to finish up before my kiddo got up.  We had a great day together as a result.  Got in a short walk with the dog. Didn't get in my throws: was rained out.

* Grip was fried when I tried to hang.  Tested out hook grip.  It kinda works: I'll have to look into athletic tape on my thumbs to really maximize it.

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