Saturday, July 27, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3314

Slept until about 0700, got in 6 rounds of prisoner squats and push ups, went out for breakfast, walked 4 miles as a family, came home and knocked out a mat pull workout

(6) Texas Deadlift BarMat pulls


I honestly had some more in me, but my right hip was on FIRE during the later reps.  Seemed like my belt was in a poor spot, but I shut it down just in case it was actually the hips having issues.  This bodes well though.  I'm the lightest and leanest I've been in a while and my pulls are going strong.

We went out for Hawaiian BBQ, shopped at the outlet malls (I picked up some hunting pants for more than half off, so I think I'm getting excited for hunting season this year...especially since I have some venison thawing out to make burgers for tomorrow), came home and Mrs made me breakfast for dinner because she's way too amazing and I don't deserve her.

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