Thursday, July 25, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3312

AM WORKOUT (0410 wake up via alarm)

**EVENTS Training**

Round 1

* Carried 150lb Bartos Power Keg .15 miles (3 laps of .05 miles), didn’t set it down, relapped as necessary

* Ran back to start, backwards drag unloaded prowler to keg 

* Ran back to start, threw 30lb bag as many times as necessary for .05 mile distance

* Loaded keg onto prowler, reverse drag to start

* Threw bag back to start

Round 2

* As above, but bearhug carried keg .05 miles (so just 1 lap)

Round 3

* Carried keg .1 miles (1 lap down, 1 lap back), upon reaching start, set tabata timer and lap and load keg at tabata intervals


Moderate walk w/dog


* Humidity was turned up on high and I was pouring sweat throughout this, but it absolutely answered the mail of what I was looking for: maximal misery exposure.  I’m really doing well re-developing my capacity to slog through super long distance carrying.  Just that ability to take ONE more step.

* The staggered grip carry is definitely the right choice for these max distance things.  Bearhug just crushes my lungs, and trying to re-lap from there is just a pain.  I still do it, just to get in some variety and strength from different angles, but on comp day it’s going to be a horizontal carry, which also means I probably didn’t need that grip shirt, but whatever.

* Did the lap and load at the end just to develop/improve my ability to quickly pick off the floor.  The less energy I waste, the better.

* Still toying around with throwing mechanics.  Finding little tricks and cues that seem like they’ll be useful.

* The double Tang Soo Do class was pretty intense yesterday.  We had some fresh blood in both classes to spar against, and I ended up losing in the penultimate round while my kiddo beat my Valkyrie in the same, so I got to watch my kid go against the person I lost against.  That person was about 6’4 and all limbs, and I about lost my mind when I saw my kid pull off a Johnny Cage by hitting a full squat underneath one of their high sailing roundhouse kicks.  I SO wish they went for the groin punch…but that would be against the rules.  My kid lost the match, but the instructor said they gave them points for style.  In the advanced class, a senior student ended up punching my Valkyrie in the mouth during their match, and suddenly the switch went off in me.  I ended up going through every opponent I had like a woodchipper because I wanted to get to this dude and make him see the error of his ways.  At one point, I had him at -1 points because he received a penalty for presenting his back as a defense (cowardice essentially) and then excessive contact on a headkick.  I eventually won with a 2 point advantage.  When it was done, my Valkyrie referred to me as her berserker-king and said that, when I was going up against the person who punched her, all she could think was “Get him”.  That was pretty awesome.

* Another double class tonight.  These have been good workouts.

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