Monday, July 1, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3290

AM WORKOUT (0410 wake up via alarm)

**PHYREXIAN DREADNOUGHT** Phase 2, Week 2, Workout 1

1 min of 185lb axle continental and push press (failed to get the press locked)

5x1 min of 156 axle continental and push press away (3x5, 1x4, 1x3) w/1 min rest between rounds

SSB Front Squat






18x185+5x185 SSB squat


5x6 and 6x5 chins (various grips)

3x10 standing ab wheel

50 band pull aparts

50 band pushdowns

16x115 SSB good mornings

10x115 Kroc rows

20,10 Dips


Short walk w/dog


* Sticking with the protocol for now.  I’ve actually identified a competition in September that appeals to me and has events not unlike what I was training for (I’ll speak to that momentarily), so this style of training will still pan out well.  I also don’t want to start on anything new this week: with my in-laws coming in and us working on the deck, flexibility is key and chaos is the plan.  

* Came into this with some pretty heavy fatigue from the weekend.  Pushing that yoke hard and all the outside work had me fatigued, alongside the lower calories.  It took a few attempts to get 186 in place, not captured on camera.  I tried without the power belt, but eventually had to relent and strap us to give myself a shelf. Wasted a lot of energy there and wasn’t able to put much into the press.  

* After that, the 5 follow on rounds were good enough.  I love how the thumbnail for the video actually looks like a decent triple extension.  Not common to see that coming from me.

* Little miffed at how weak I was coming into the front squats, but celebrating that my lower back held out as well as it did.  It was slipping a bit this weekend.  I lost the widowmaker from having it fall forward, but redeeming it with that follow-on SSB squat was clutch.

* Thunderstorms this morning resulted in a short walk w/the dog.

* For future competition, I’m looking at “Nebraska’s Strongest 2024” on 14 Sep.  It’s got these events

* I’d be the open MLW 181.  A max 18” deadlift suits my ROM progression training, axle press ladder will play into my axle pressing work, max distance carry really appeals to me, I HAVE a throwbag now, so I can train that max distance throw (that’s going to be more like a hammer throw vs a bag over bar throw), and the farmer’s hold will be a combination of pain tolerance and grip strength.  I may learn how to hook grip between now and then, but I’m also liking the look of this because I feel like training for it will benefit the grappling tournament as well.  Max distance sandbag carry will really help develop some conditioning and ability manipulating a heavy unstable object, the farmer’s hold will be good for grip, sandbag throw explosiveness and rotational strength, and taking stuff from the floor and putting it overhead is always good stuff.  I’ll need to sign up officially, but I’m thinking this will work.  And there’s already someone in my weight class, so that should mean they WON’T cancel this one.

I came home and moved 65 16' long composite decking planks from my driveway to my backyard.  I took them two at a time, on my shoulder, like a heavy sandbag.  In gratitude, my Valkyrie said "I'm going to make you extra eggs tonight"

She did

Get you a spouse like that.

Already drafting up a skeleton of a training protocol.  I'm thinking another dip back to EMOM work, 3x a week, with an emphasis on the axle instead of the log this time.  Zerchers and horizontal press on the middle day, with the AMRAP trap bar pull.  Part of me is thinking of stealing from SVR II as well, which may be an option.

Prowler is going to be swapped out with a carry and throw events day.  On Saturdays, I'll keep the mat pull workout.  Sundays, I can drill the farmer's hold, and will most likely include farmer's walks in there too.  

This won't be too tough of a pivot.

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