Tuesday, July 23, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3310

AM WORKOUT (0405 natural wake up, snooze until 0410)

75 KB swings w/57.5lb bell

3 mile walk w/80lb vest at 3.0 pace

70x270lb reverse hypers

50 band pull aparts

Neck harness work

* No walk with dog today: Valkyrie’s car wouldn’t start, so I gave her a lift to work.  Chaos is the plan.

* My walking pace was much speedier than it’s been the past few outings.  I’ve most likely recovered from some fatigue, and maybe there’s something to be said about the benefits of the higher carb meal the night before.  It was absolutely fantastic: wonderful drum wheat pasta, no sugar added pasta sauce, bison, some garlic bread, some fried eggs and 4 of my wife’s cookies with some fairlife skim and local raw honey.  Settled and digested well, woke up looking leaner.  

* It’s amazing how much I can’t stand doing the swings to start off this workout, but it’s a good bitter medicine to swallow.  Swings always make me better in total.  Meanwhile, the reverse hypers are the dessert: I have to finish off what’s on my plate to get to do them.  And since I walked a little faster today, I had enough time to squeeze in that neck harness work as well.

* Tang Soo Do sparring tonight.  This, in theory, is going to be a pretty decent workout week, because we have to double up on classes on Wed and Thurs to make up for attendance missed over the month.  I can see if I can retain my “Dojang Sparring Champion” status.

* I got in my throws and hang yesterday.  I went until 2:05 this time, but I didn’t complete the 4th chin after the 2 minute mark: I just went for a longer hang time to get in more time.

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