Wednesday, July 24, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3311

AM WORKOUT (0410 wake up via alarm)

**PHYREXIAN DREADNOUGHT** Phase 3, Week 3, Workout 2

30 minutes EMOM

* Round 1: 3x241lb axle zercher squat from floor

* Round 2: 185lb axle dead incline bench (3 reps first 3 rounds, 2 reps remainder)

* Round 3: 7xBW NG chins


Low handle trap bar lift



3x10 standing ab wheel

Lateral raise dropset (35x10lb, 35x5, 35x2.5, 35xEmpty Hands)

1:30 trap bar hold w/235lb


Short walk w/dog


* Workout listed was the intended workout: fatigue showed up and wrecked a few rounds.  Had some balance issues at one point on some of the zerchers, missed a rep on the inclines, missed some reps on one round of chins.  Let’s me know I can repeat this workout next time it rolls around.  Low food intake most likely showing it’s place.

* That said, major PR on the trap bar lift.  20 reps has been the goal since the start of the cycle, when I originally hit 8.  Zero hip pain, warm-ups felt strong, and I just blasted through.  Was concerned I was going to vomit at the end of the set: seems to be the limiting factor in most instances.  Big takeaway here is how good I get at this when I limit myself to just 1 big workset.  Same with the ROM progression.  It’s a lesson I have to learn: BUILD the deadlift: don’t train it.

* Rest of the workout was just the essentials.  Had a misload on the lockout hold: a 45 on one side and a 55 on the other.  Was good chaos training, but resulted in a little less time on the bar than I cared for.  Short walk with dog due to early work meeting.

* Valkyrie and I went against each other in the first round last night at Tang Soo Do.  Took it to sudden death with one point each, went a LONG round, very defensive heavy, and she managed to get in a headkick at the end.  She went on to win the tournament, defeating our senior student with a body punch.  I redeemed myself by defeating that same student during some free sparring at the end of class.   2 more nights, and these next 2 nights are doubled up classes: the junior AND senior class.  Be good to have some new blood to go against.

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