Monday, July 22, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3309

AM WORKOUT (0410 Wake up via alarm)

**PHYREXIAN DREADNOUGHT** Phase 3, Week 3, Workout 1

Log clean and push press away for 1 min (1 min rest between rounds)


5 rounds w/155 (mostly doubles, some triples)

SSB squat against doubled light bands






8x6, 2x5 chins

3x10 standing ab wheel

10x125 SSB good morning

28 axle shrugs against average bands

50 band pull aparts

100 Poundstone curls w/axle


Short walk w/dog


* Upon review, I realize I was actually supposed to viper press rather than push press, but today was challenging no matter how I approached it, so that’s a win.  Actually had to deal with some head spins for the first time in a bit.  I’m most likely dehydrated.  Weighed in at 80.8kg after the workout, and I could see from the sandbag video I posted that I’m looking pretty lean, so the lighter bodyweight isn’t doing me much favors on my pressing.

* Squat performance went much better than I expected.  Lower back was a bit stiff from sandbag and deads over the weekend, but still had the juice in me.  Could have gotten in 1 more rep on that heavy set, but it did the job it needed.  I’ll move up on weight next week.  Meanwhile, widowmaker was really taxing.

* Lotta great assistance work in there.  My left elbow is a little pissy, but my chinning ability has actually improved substantially with me focusing on the hang and chin vs just chinning.  Part of that may also be fatigue management: I have less accumulated volume this way.  But either way, it lets me know that I’m not getting WORSE by focusing on the hangs, and they’re most likely sparing my elbow, so I’ll ride that out.

* Gonna be some shorter walks with the dog this week: work schedule is pretty nutty.

* I’ll need to flesh this out later, but I’m looking downrange for future plans.  It’s nice being so light right now with 2 weight class based comps coming up, but I’m really not a fan of how much my press is NOT progressing with how little food I’m putting away.  I think I’ve got a real solid seasonal approach going now: lean out over the summer, then spend the winter gaining.  Still use feast and famine to stay honest, but I could use the fall and winter to get back to DoggCrapp or something similar and dip back to getting bigger.  Actually really wanna pilot my Mass Made Simple into Super Squats idea.  That excites me, which is reason enough to do it.

* Carb up meal tonight: bison spaghetti and some awesome looking peanut butter cookies from the Valkyrie.  I keep seeing that the more I lean into this meal, the better the results.

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