Saturday, July 6, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3294

Sign of life.  Been putting in 12-13 hour days building this deck.  Working shirtless the whole time, no sunburn: just a VERY dark tan.  Another one of those weird benefits of carnivore.  This became the weirdest deload ever.  Still got to Tang Soo Do today.  The 1 week diet break has also been a clutch move.  I'm not eating off menu: just eating MORE than I was before, and I'm already ready to get back to lean eating when we're done, but at the same time, I'm burning a LOT of energy with this construction and sun exposure that I'm not too concerned about the impact one way or the other.

Got a pretty solid way forward for phase 3 of Phryexian Dreadnought at this point.  

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