Wednesday, July 17, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3304

AM WORKOUT (0410 Wake up via alarm)

**PHYREXIAN DREADNOUGHT** Phase 3, Week 2, Workout 2

30 minutes EMOM

Round 1: 3x236lb axle zercher squat from floor

Round 2: 3x120lb weighted dip

Round 3: 3x55lb weighted NG chin


Finish off with

Trap Bar Pull



3x10 standing ab wheel

Lateral raise dropset (40x10lb, 40x5, 40x2.5, 40xEmpty Hands)

50 band pull aparts

50 band pushdowns

2:10 holding 225lb trap bar at lockout


* I’m in a weird spot with this workout, as I look forward to it because it’s the most consistent one of the bunch and I know what’s coming, but it’s also a total slog to get through.  The EMOM keeps me honest, and these zerchers are definitely bringing up my everything.  I think the Trap Bar chaser at the end is the most redeeming part of it.  It’s like the dessert for the workout: I have to eat all my food off my plate before I get to have it, but the prospect of beating the log book on it each week is pretty awesome.  This was a 1 rep PR, and puts me at 10 reps up from when I started, whereas the zerchers are up 10lbs from previous, dips are up 2.5lb, and chins are just wherever they fall on that particular day.

* Had a little bit of right hip pain this morning, which I thought was going to make the zerchers suck, but they ended up alright.  It showed up more on the trap bar: didn’t feel right until rep 7.  You can see I’m cutting the lockout a little short prior to that moment.  I know I have an issue that, when I’m chasing a particular rep goal, I’ll short the earlier reps to save myself for the later.  Have to watch for that, but I’m satisfied enough with the effort.  Didn’t run into the issue of wanting to vomit during the trap bar this time, so that’s a plus.

* Assistance was light due to time, but got in the stuff I needed.  I could have lasted a little longer on the trap bar hold, but I could feel my calluses starting to pull away, and I’m too early in the training cycle to deal with that nonsense.

* Tang Soo Do last night was a decent workout.  Lots of bodyweight stuff.  

* I actually went and pulled the trigger on a strongman grip shirt.  Never thought I would, but Cerberus had a good deal on it, and I’ll admit that the design was just really cool.  This should be good for my upcoming comp: between the axle and the carry, it will have some use, and I can see myself benefiting from it in my training as well.

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