Monday, July 15, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3302

AM WORKOUT (0410 wake up via alarm)

**PHYREXIAN DREADNOUGHT** Phase 3, Week 2, Workout 1

10 minutes EMOM axle clean and strict press away w/136lb





SSB Front squats







Hang from bar, chin every 30 seconds

2 minutes total, 3 chins accomplished (dropped at the 2 min mark, did not complete chin)


3x10 standing ab wheel

15x115 Kroc row

25x115 SSB good morning

23xAverage Bands Axle Shrugs

50 band pull aparts

100 Poundstone curls w/axle

Neck Harness


Moderate walk w/dog


* Stupidly hot in the garage this morning.  Multiple triple digit heat days in a row with high humidity.  You can see how much sweat I’m accumulating, and I was able to wring out all my clothing when it was done.  I imagine some of that had a fatiguing effect on me.

* Original intention was to go 10x5 on the presses, but reality quickly hit me.  Settled on triples.  I can see Heburning this up: 10x3, then 1x4, 9x3.  Then 2x4, 8x3.  Etc.  Just good to get in some volume.  Everything else is going pretty well for me, but my pressing is falling off.  I figure bodyweight is the biggest contributor there, but I also imagine I need more pressing volume than I do squatting/deadlifting volume.  I think there may be something to the idea that the bigger/stronger muscles need less volume because they lift so much damn weight that they need more recovery, while the smaller muscles need more volume to make up for the lack of tonnage moved.  Whenever I try to make things equal, it doesn’t work out.  

* Progress on the front squats. 2 reps on the heavy set and the widowmaker.  Still dealt with bicep cramping on the heavy set.  May need to try a different rack set up.  Sweat also just made it slippery.  Still good effort and effect.

* Was good to bring in that Dan John special for the hang and chin.  That should help with grip strength.  My left elbow is feeling a little pissy, and I’m thinking not trying to push my chins on top of everything else is probably a solid idea.  I’ll still get in volume where I can, but I need to keep the goal the goal and prioritize my ability to perform.

* Lotta leftover time for assistance, so hit a lot of stuff.  Those Poundstones were brutal at the end: just exhausted and had to fight for every rep after 30.  

* As I was walking yesterday, I was thinking about my goals.  I’m really appreciating leaning out, primarily because it’s easy and I get nearly instant feedback on it.  I eat less food, I get leaner.  However, I know that, for my last strongman comp, I came in way too damn lean and didn’t have any of the strength I needed.  In that regard, I think I’m going to keep leaning out for the remainder of this month, check what my bodyweight ends up at, and then allow myself to grow into the competition in September.  I think I’m going to stick with the Dreadnought protocol, since it’s modular and working for my goals, but I can ramp up the good food to allow me to get a little stronger.

* In the evening, I worked some throws and did another 2 minutes of the Dan John hanging drill.

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