Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Training Log: Entry 3303

 AM WORKOUT (0410 wake up via alarm)

2 minutes hanging from a bar, chin every 30 seconds (3 accomplished)

75 KB swings w/57.5lb bell

2.85 mile walk w/80lb vest (average pace 2.9mph)

65x270lb reverse hyper

50 band pull aparts


Moderate walk w/dog


* I’m moving slower on the walks these days.  I’m going to attribute it to heat fatigue.  We’re finally seeing a break in it.  Yesterday, simply being in my garage for 5 minutes had me pouring sweat.

* Opening up with the hang was a solid move.  Really want to get the most I can out of my grip while I can.  May need to start experimenting with hook grip and see what I can do there.  2 minutes has been my limit each time.  I’m sure I can build up.

* Swings AFTER the hangs was pretty interesting.  Grip was fatigued so I had to use a lighter touch.  Seemed to allow me to really focus on the hip drive.

* This is, once again, such a lackluster training day yet exactly what I need it to be.  It’s the most tonic workout I can do: reset the hips with swings, restore with the walk, bring up the back with the hypers.

* Tang Soo Do tonight.  “Wildcard/cardio” day.  Should be some decent workout.  Tomorrow I get to do my creativity hyung, which will be cool.

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