Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Training Log: Entry 3296

AM WORKOUT (0410 wake up via alarm)

75 KB swings w/57.5lb bell
2.8 mile walk w/80lb weighted vest at 2.8 mph average
60x270lb reverse hyper
50 band pull aparts


Short walk w/dog


* Starting to feel the impact of the fatigue of a week of deck building.  My walking speed is reduced, and my desire to get up this morning was pretty minimal.  Were it not for the fact I was already pretty awake by the time the alarm went off, I most likely would have snoozed.  It’s hard to get motivated to go for a walk, but I know that this is the most restorative and probably “healthful” workout that I do.

* The swings were actually pretty explosive this morning all things considered.  I have noticed that, despite the long hours, the time away from the weights and more just working outside have my body feeling pretty well. Lotta nagging pain is gone.

* Tang Soo Do is most likely going to get scrapped tonight, as my in-laws are here for one more day and we’re going to do our best to finish up what we can on the project while they’re here.

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