Saturday, July 20, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3307

Got woken up in the middle of the night to the dog throwing up on our duvet, but we dozed for another 2 hours after that, got in my push ups and squats, Mrs made me a great breakfast, I got in some axle deads


I am SO proud of that set.  The 7th rep should NOT have happened, it definitely wasn't locked out, and I hitched the Hell out of it.  Same with the second rep on the set set: LOOK at that first rep and tell me I had another one in there.  This was a great day for grinding, especially the day after Zenos.

I also got in some throws and tried hanging from a bar again.  Used hook grip...made chins a little tricky.  2 minutes remains my limit.

Drove to Lincoln and got some awesome Hawaiian BBQ.  Got myself a loco moco and they actually put the gravy on the side, which was pretty clutch.  I didn't ask for it that way, so even cooler.  Had some kalbi ribs and BBQ chicken as well.

Got home and hit up Axle Grace before doing lawncare for 70 minutes

This was actually slower than last week's go.  I'm going to blame it on those deads from before.  Either way, solid effort.  

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