Tuesday, July 30, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3317

AM WORKOUT (0410 wake up via alarm)

75 KB swings w/57.5lb bell

2.5 mile walk at 3.1 mph pace w/80lb vest

80x270lb reverse hypers

2:12 hang from bar, pull up every 30 seconds

50 band pull aparts


Longer walk w/dog 


* Past 2 days I’ve had this “on the verge of getting sick” feeling.  Phlegmy, sore-ish throat, general malaise.  Over the night, my throat got really sore and I felt stuff.  I woke up this morning and thought I might skip today, but talked myself into the fact that this was the lightest day of the program and generally a pretty restorative one.  I felt like fresh air would do me good, and the mornings ARE at least much cooler than our afternoons these days (we’re having a heat wave, heat index into the 100s, feels “dangerous hot” to be outside), so I went for it.  I moved slow to start the morning, which is why I only managed 2.5 miles, but my walking pace was actually faster than usual, which was a plus.  Really focused on rucking it vs leisurely strolling.  By the time it was done, I was feeling better.  Still crummy, but not intolerable.  Tang Soo Do tonight may be a non-starter: we’ll see.

* My lower back has really been stiff/tight these past few days, and today was a great cure for it.  Swings, walks, hypers and hangs.  I really accidentally stumbled into a great tonic workout.

* Meal last night was wonderful.  Whole drum wheat pasta spaghetti with bison meat no sugar added sauce, some garlic bread, and some of the Valkyrie's cookies with some raw local honey.  The more I lean into this meal, the better the results.

* On that note, I booked an awesome evening for the 2 of us the day after my strongman competition.


* Alongside that, while I’m talking about exciting things, I found a food challenge that I actually think I DO want to take on

* I’m clearly ready to start gaining again.  And while talking general excitement, I’ve picked out my hunting rifle, which will be available for purchase on 8 Aug through the end of the month.  Which means even more meat.  In general, my headspace is really awesome right now.

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