Thursday, August 1, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3318

AM WORKOUT (0425 wake up via alarm: slept in due to schedule allowance)

**PHYREXIAN DREADNOUGHT** Phase 4, Week 1, Workout 2

30 minute EMOM

Round 1: 3x241 axle zercher squat from floor (back spasm on rep 2 of 9th round, shut it down on final round)

Round 2: 3x122.5lb weighted dip

Round 3: 3/2x57.5lb weighted NG chin (3 first 5 rounds, 2 last 5)


End with

Trap bar pulls (VERY controlled eccentric)



3x10 standing ab wheel

Lateral Raise dropset (35x10lb, 35x5, 35x2.5, 35xEmpty Hands)

Hang from bar w/pull up every 30 seconds: 2:05 total

50 band pull aparts


* Not quite 100%, but feeling substantially better than yesterday, and INCREDIBLY strong on the zerchers…which is most likely why I had that back spasm in the penultimate round.  When we feel good, we tend to push harder, whereas when we feel crummy we brace and take our time.  The exact reason I quit taking Surge: I felt too damn good on it and kept pushing too hard.  I also imagine I’m a touch dehydrated from the coughing (you can hear/see it on the video), and I typically run into this issue whenever I get too lean.  Abdominal circumference goes down, and with it comes core stability.  But while I’m sounding so smart about this, I’m also smarter now in that I knew to just shut it down once the spasm happened and then go from there.  I evaluated how I felt during the ab wheel and warm ups on the trap bar and found I still had some bracing and stability in me, just couldn’t go for broke, so I went with a very controlled eccentric and took what I could.  Sets me up for success for the next round, but I’m also pleased I went for 20x405 last week, since this week would have been the time for that and I’m not sure how well that would have gone.    

* Dips remain a very solid pressing movement for me.  Continued progress.  Bar was a little slippery today.  I’m sweating out whatever is in me, which, combined with the already high heat index, had things very slick.

* Chins continue to be hit or miss, but I’ll keep putting in the effort.  The hang from bar is going well.  I forgot to make this a trap bar hold day, but given the back spasm, hanging from a bar was most likely the right way forward.  Helped the back unkink a little.

* Kept assistance work on the short side, since my schedule is a little jumbled.  Planning on lifting again tomorrow and saving events for the weekend.

* On the topic of schedule, Valkyrie and Kiddo are picking up Toadette today, which is why I got to sleep in: didn’t have to make breakfasts or take the kid to summer program.  I’m taking the day off work tomorrow to break in the new pup, which means I’ve already got some piedmontese beef back ribs thawed out which I plan to throw on the smoker for lunch.  It’s a good day.

There she is

* Tang Soo Do was canceled last night because we had 80 mph winds and rain.  Lotta places lost power.  Thankfully, not us, but my fence lost 3 sections, so now I have yet another home project.  My father-in-law installed fences in his youth and is excited at the idea of coming by to help, but I honestly would just prefer to contract this out and have it off my plate.  We’ll see how it shakes out.  But on the plus side, the new deck weathered the storm very well.

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