Saturday, August 31, 2024


SPOILERS: I took home bronze, losing my first match and winning my second

First Match (Semi-finals: Loss)

Definitely a "blink and you'll miss it" thing.  I think I genuinely need a "tune up" match before I actually start competing, because this same thing happened to me at the last comp: I come in slow, awkward, and wondering to myself "what the hell am I doing here?", and this time the dude on the other end sensed that and took advantage of it.  He was explosive and game and quickly got my back, at which point all my years of wrestling took over, I got to my base...and got choked the f**k out.  I fought a little by tucking my chin, but I was just not thinking through the fight at the time.  In retrospect, there were a million other things I could have done, but live to fight another day and learn.

Second Match (Bronze Match: Win)

I KNEW that I needed to win A match if I wanted to bring home hardware, since there were 4 competitors today.  I didn't actually get to see the other dude's match, despite looking for him, as I was hoping to learn SOMETHING about his game before we rolled.  But, as soon as I approached him, I looked at him and thought "lunch".  Once again, it's kinda cool that my killer instinct is actually coming out to play these days, because in my 20s I was too much a "nice guy" and really missed out on a lot of possible Ws.

We felt each other out at the start and I quickly realized that I was much stronger than this guy, so I played that to my advantage and broke him down standing as much as I could: fighting off his underhooks, getting better positioning, dragging him where he didn't want to go.  I tried some more aggressive takedowns, and even felt the instinct to go for a double leg at one point, but instead I ended up on my knees with him attempting to get my back.  I managed to prevent that and get him onto his back...and that's where most of the match went.

I am pleased at how I was able to impose my will on him the entire time.  He never got to have a say in where we were, what we were doing, or how we were doing it.  Occasionally, he'd keep a guard longer than I'd like, or roll out of something, but that was about it.  My conditioning was even better than last time, and his was significantly worse than anyone else, so I could feel his strength fading and it just got me to keep pushing even harder.

However, it was also blatantly apparent how undangerous I was.  I kept going for the handful of subs I knew and none of them landed.  I equated it to being like a Terminator robot who never got the combat programming uploaded into their CPU: I was relentless and unstoppable...and ineffective.  

BUT, the advantage of that is, when the timer ran out, overtime decision gets to go to the aggressor of the match, and there was no question that it was me.  In overtime, both competitors get a chance to escape from the other competitor while they try to submit.  I knew the other guy was exhausted, so I chose to be on defense first, knowing I could escape from him.  He DID try to get in a choke, but in 22 seconds, I was out.

From here, I knew that all I needed to do was hold onto the dude and squeeze the sh*t out of him so that he couldn't escape in 22 seconds, and that's exactly what I did.  His conditioning fell apart and he had no strength to deal with me, and eventually time ran out for him and I walked away with the win.

Some of the things I pulled off that I'm happy with: I actually employed some of my old wrestling tricks here, specifically the cross-face cradle.  That was my go to in high school, and it still works to get positioning.  I also was fighting for subs the ENTIRE time, up until the last include what I'm pretty sure was a backwards set up for a triangle choke.  I also was pretty creative in applying pressure from the top and just plain making the other dude uncomfortable.  And again: I'm VERY pleased with how my conditioning held up.  I actually felt better this time compared to last, where I was MORE focused on conditioning training.  I'm thinking taking this week a little lighter in training may have helped.

Oh yeah, and let me just pat myself on the back for being the oldest dude there.  The first guy I competed against I was 17 years older than: final dude I had 9 years on.


Let's talk the pre-comp stuff.  I woke up at 80.6kg, so I was stupidly underweight for the competition, which meant I had an AWESOME breakfast

4 pastured eggs, one sirloin cap from Costco, and a grassfed piedmontese New York Strip, all swimming in grassfed ghee.  And, as you can see from that second match, this provided me PLENTY of energy for competition.

It was a 45 minute drive to the competition, during which time I took down a 32 ounce combo of green tea, hot water and electrolytes, which put even MORE weight in me.  I weighed in at 183 in full sweats, still giving up 2lbs.

Friday, August 30, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3344

AM WORKOUT (0500 wake up via alarm, slept in with schedule)

**PHYREXIAN DREADNOUGHT** Phase 5, Week 1, Workout 3

Axle push press

Breathing Squats


* With the competition tomorrow, I wanted to keep this short and intense, and keep the loading light on the squats.  Getting doubles on all the push presses was a delightful surprise.  My hip isn't 100%, but it's trending in a very positive direction.  My right knee is still pretty buggy.  I think I pushed the Zenos to the absolute limit while in a deficit.  I need to learn the lessons from DoggCrapp: reduce frequency, increase variety.  

* I had intentions of going to 50 on the breathing squats, but my back was screaming at me, and with me needing to perform tomorrow I capped it at a reasonable number.  Same reason I dropped the assistance work.

* I realized that this really is a new phase of the program, so called renumbered the work.

* Tang Soo Do last night wasn't terribly challenging, but I WAS able to get my kicks high again without running into issues, so that's a good sign.

* We have an outing at our favorite pumpkin patch tonight, which means I get a turkey leg for dinner.  I can't think of a better pre-comp dinner.  Plan is steak and eggs in the morning.  I have zero issues making weight for comp.  I'm also planning on wearing my 2005 era Sprawl shorts, just to date myself.  I looked at the competitor list for my bracket, and not only am I the ONLY guy with a birthyear in the 80s, but 3 of the competitors were born while I was high school, so that's cool.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3343

AM WORKOUT (0410 wake up via alarm)


Took my 100lb keg, prowler and 30lb throwbag out today.

Max distance carried the keg, first in the staggered grip carry, then a bearhug, then another staggered grip carry.

Once I reached max distance, I’d run back to the start, reverse drag the prowler to the keg, run back to the start, throw the throwbag to the keg, load the keg onto the prowler, reverse drag it to the start, run back to the bag, throw it to the start.

Took 1 minute rests between those attempts.  Total of 45 minutes of training.


Moderate walk w/both dogs


* Was actually pretty excited to get after this today.  As my hip pain continues to resolve, my motivation seems to climb.  Perhaps I was just too beat up.  I’m realizing I haven’t had a for real deload in quite a while, and that will be something I need to actually include moving forward.  Typically, life gives me deloads, but that hasn’t been the case so far.

* Went with the lighter weight on the keg to spare the hip, and since I’m grappling this weekend (I changed divisions from Masters to 18+ so that I’d actually have competition) I figure I’ll have ample opportunities to move heavier awkward objects.  Really went all out on how far I carried the damn keg as a result.  The prowler was pretty nice on the hips and knees too.

* Figured out to start the bag throw with a counter-force rotation, and it really seemed to pay off.  Picking up little tricks as I go.

* Tang Soo Do last night was a little lower intensity, although we DID start the warm ups with various animals crawls.  Since it’s summer, we’re in t-shirt tops vs the traditional Dobak, and the Valkryie told me “You are a mountain of muscle” when she saw me crab walking, bear crawling, and upperbody-only dragging myself across the Dojang floor.  Big ego boost there.

* Interesting aside, but my body odor has been awful these past few days, and I’m realizing I hit the garlic bread harder than usual during my Monday meal.  It’s amazing the little things that have impacts after you’ve had an elimination diet for so long.

* Gotta brag about my kiddo: I made some steaks for dinner last night, cooked theirs medium rare and made some VERY rare steaks for myself.  Kiddo finished theirs and still wanted more steak, so I let them have some of mine.  These were like, cold blue center rare, and my kid DEVOURED them.  Said they really liked them.  I have another barbarian to raise!  Funny enough, I’ve been hammering the value of protein for so long and it fell on deaf ears, but now they’re taking a “healthy eating” course in school, and they’ve emphasized the importance of protein in a diet, so now my kid is all abound the gains train.  I’ll take it.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3342

AM WORKOUT (0410 wake up via alarm)

**PHYREXIAN DREADNOUGHT** Phase 4, Week 5, Workout 2

30 minute EMOM

Round 1: 4x186 axle zercher from floor

Round 2: 3x127.5lb weighted dip

Round 3: 3x55lb weighted NG chin


3x10 standing ab wheel

Lateral raise dropset

1:05 timed hold w/315 trap bar

50x90 reverse hyper


* Continuing to work around the hip pain, wanting to stay fresh, not push myself, and heal.  Dropped the weight down and went for higher reps on the squats to really challenge the EMOM format.  The dips continue to get stronger week to week, so I’ll ride that wave.  Chins I’m just letting fall where they may.  I scrapped the heavy trap bar pulls; went to set up for it and just knew right away it was a bad idea.   Even that 315 pull ached a little bit.  I’m not going to get a whole lot stronger between now and the strongman comp, but I can definitely get hurt, so now is the time to just dial in technique and conditioning and push hard on the days I feel good.

* I moved fast enough on the zechers.  Didn’t feel terrible.  The reverse hypers at the end were pretty restorative.

* I changed my division for the grappling comp so that I’d have some competition.  Instead of competing as a Masters 2 athlete, I’m in the 18+ division.  So far, there’s one dude who is 21 and one that is 29, so we’ll have to see if age and treachery can overcome youth.

* Tang Soo Do last night was decent enough.  Solid focus on the basics, and learned some of my new Hyung.  My hip was making some of the kicks tough.

* Was absolutely peeled before going to bed last night.  The more I lean into the high carb meal, the leaner I end up.  Bodies be weird.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3341

AM WORKOUT (0410 wake up via alarm)

2 minute hang from bar w/pull up every 30 seconds

75 KB swings w/57.5lb bell

2.75 mile walk w/80lb vest at 3.0 pace

90x270lb reverse hypers

50 band pull aparts


Short walk w/dogs


* There were some lightning storms and a little bit of rain when I woke up this morning, so I went with my sand filled vest vs the Ironmaster one.  Seemed like a smart idea to not wear a bunch of metal around lightning, and this prevented rust.  It hindered my pace a little, since this vest hangs lower in front of my hips, but still achieved the effect I wanted.

* Didn’t get a good grip established at the start of the 2 minute hang, so I’m pretty pleased with how that went.

* My right hip feels amazing right now after those reverse hypers, so I really think I need to learn that lesson and start doing them more than once a week.  I don’t need to do them as heavy, because I don’t want to cause MORE problems by repetitive motion stuff, but I am sure I can get a tonic effect going.  At least as I get closer to the competition.   The ultimate cure will be more intelligent programming, and I have a few ideas for that.

* Wonderful family meal last night.  Spaghetti with bison meat sauce, some garlic bread, and Valkyrie’s oatmeal peanut butter cookies with butterfingers mixed in with some local raw honey and some fairlife skim. My father-in-law almost ate all the cookies before I had a chance to get to them: I forget about having “roommates”, haha.  On that note, they took off this morning, short trip, but back to living.  Got a long weekend coming up, which will impact things slightly.

Monday, August 26, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3340

AM WORKOUT (0435 wake up via alarm, slept in due to schedule)

**PHYREXIAN DREADNOUGHT** Phase 4, Week 5, Workout 1

Axle clean and press away w/116

2-3-5-10 strict

2-3-5 strict

4+2 push

2-3 strict

SSB Front Squats





Noped out of the rest


3x10 standing ab wheel

5x7 chins, 2x5 chins (various grips)

Some axle shrugs w/average bands

100 axle poundstone curls

50 band pull aparts

Dips+ push ups dropset (using reactive slingshot, slingshot, and metal catapult)


Moderate walk w/both dogs


* Wheels totally fell off today.  Didn’t bother saving the recording.  I think between the excessive heat (we got up to over 110, with stupid humidity yesterday), building fences, airshows, etc, my body was just toast.  I could press just fine, but squatting was a nightmare.  All of my joints hurt, and my hip kept flaring up.  I was in pain just trying to rack the 265 I was going to attempt, and I tried some follow ons with lighter weight, and each time my body told me “no”.  Looking at where I am with my training, I realize it’s been quite a while since I’ve had a deload, and I do think I’m seeing the impact of how hard I worked on my Zenos on Friday.  I may be competing on Saturday, and I have a strongman competition 2 weeks after that.  I’m not going to get a whole lot stronger between then and now, but I can definitely get more hurt, so I just called it and focused on the upper body work.

* I have my walk tomorrow, which should help with restoration.  Family meal tonight too, which I’m sure will have some positives.  Weighed in at 80.9kg, so I’m at least moving the scale in the right direction.  

* I’m thinking, moving forward, capping Zenos at 10s vs my traditional 14, and increasing weight for the next round by 10-15 vs my traditional 40-50.  I have a few other ideas circulating around that I’ll need to jot down at some point.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3339

Another awesome weekend day.  Since the Valkyrie had to go away early, breakfast was up to me, so I whipped out my Ninja Gridle and cooked up a 10oz grassfed piedmontese New York Strip, 3 slices of beef bacon, 3 grassfed organic beef hot dogs (I'm bougie like that), some no sugar added reduced sodium bacon for the kiddo, 5 pastured eggs with grassfed ghee and jarlsburg swiss for me, 2 pastured eggs for the kiddo, and a few others odds and ends for the in-laws.  

Once breakfast was accomplished, took the dogs for a 1.5 mile walk, and then got in my mat pulls

(2) Texas Deadlift Bar Mat Pulls


My hip is feeling BETTER than it was last week, but I can still trigger the nerve pain.  My second and third pulls were actually better than my first, as I was fishing-rod-ing the first one but much more stable/sturdy on the second and third.  

After THAT, we all went to the air show, which was hours of walking around in the hot sun.  Got some good exposure, no sunblock, and fasted the entire time.  My rule was, if there were turkey legs, I'd eat one...there were no turkey legs.  I wasn't hungry and nothing looked enticing.  That's food freedom: I love it.

I also did 14 dead hang chin ups at the Marine Corps recruiting booth and won a shaker bottle...and honestly, that's embarrassing.  I could always knock out 20 no sweat, and I'm lighter now than I've been in a while.  I definitely need to prioritize those in my next training phase.

When we got BACK, I did something I always wanted: ate an entire rack of ribs from our favorite local BBQ place.  I picked up dinner for the family, and that was my pick, and I even got a side of pulled pork from my kiddo.  I topped many of the ribs with either ghee or grassfed sour cream.  Was a fantastic meal, great way to round out the day.  And I even got in some throws after dinner while taking out the trash.

I really dig days like this.  Big hearty breakfast, lots of low intensity activity, one big hard workout for 5 minutes, no lunch, big dinner.  This is how I want to live forever one day.

Gotta include breakfast photos

Friday, August 23, 2024

 Training Log Entry 3338

AM WORKOUT (0425 wake up via alarm, slept in with day off work)

**PHYREXIAN DREADNOUGHT** Phase 4, Week 4, Workout 3

Axle push press away from rack


Zeno Squats 













3x10 standing ab wheel


1.5 mile walk w/both dogs


* Keeping it quick, because in-laws are in town and life is fast right now, but got this done.  The doubles were solid on the pressing.  Kept it struggle free, just to keep grooving positive reps.  Very Easy Strength.  The Zenos keep being magical, because I keep thinking I don't have it in me, only to find out I am absolutely strong enough to get it done.  Each week I progress.  This was a hard as hell workout.  My hip held out really well, but on rep 9 of the set of 315 you can see it buckle on the first attempt.  I am incredibly pleased to hit a beltless close stance high bar 10x315 squat: that is a HUGE turn around from where I re-started this whole process.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3337

AM WORKOUT (0410 Wake up via alarm, heavy sleep)

**PHYREXIAN DREADNOUGHT** Phase 4, Week 4, Workout 2

JUAREZ VALLEY Axle Zercher Squats from Floor w/186lb


5x135lb axle dead incline bench between sets

Time: 28:22

Low handle trap bar pull

6x425 (set up issue)


3x10 standing ab wheel

Lateral raise dropset (35x10lb, 35x5, 35x2.5, 35xEmpty Hands)

50 band pull aparts

1 minute low handle trap bar hold w/315lb


Short walk w/dogs


* I was a bit more excited for today’s training.  Knowing that the weights were going to be lighter and the workout more conditioning focused seemed to get me energized, along with the trap bar set at the end, which ultimately was a dud.  I ended up with 1 more rep in the topset than last week, and honestly could have pushed even further than that, but I knew how hard last week was and figured 1 more rep was enough, especially understanding that “1 more rep” meant 12 reps total.  Went from 66 reps of zercher squats to 78, and still got it done in less than 30 minutes.

* Tried to focus on standing a bit more upright and locked out on the squats today.  I can see how one can cheat by staying folded over while extending the hips.  The axle incline benching is still just about right for submax work.  And, in general, I was wiped out from this: Juarez Valley is always good for that.

* Had a set-up issue on the trap bar: first time I was too far forward, resulting in the weight tipping backwards.  Typically I have the opposite issue.  I fought on every rep, and after 6 I was just wiped out.  I imagine the fatigue I was carrying coming into from the hard Juarez Valley workout contributed there as well.  Was content to just shut it down from there: live to fight another day.

* On a general positive note: my right hip was absent of pain during the workout today.  It flared up a few times at Tang Soo Do last night, but is otherwise doing ok. The Tuesday workout always seems to help.

* Tang Soo Do sparring night went pretty well.  I got to beat one of the black belts, do some mentoring with a junior student, and square off against the Valkyrie in another match that went to sudden death with her scoring on a hook kick to the head at the end.  She advanced to fight the senior student, and took it to sudden death with a body punch getting her 1-1.  She ended up getting defeated with a head kick, but held her own well.  Was proud to see it.

* Stepped on the scale post workout shower and saw 79.9kg.  F**k.  Gotta keep the food up.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3336

AM WORKOUT (0410 wake up via alarm)

2:20 hang from bar, pull up every 30 seconds

75 KB swings w/57.5lb bell

2.71 mile walk at 3.1 mph pace w/80lb vest

90x270lb reverse hypers


No walk w/dogs (started to rain)


* Training motivation is really low these days.  Pretty much every time the alarm goes off, I ask myself what I have to do today and if I can move the workout.  This one is always tough because it’s so anti-climactic, but it’s also the best gift I give myself each week, because as I sit here, my hip pain is gone.

* Hung from the bar to start the workout because it took some pressure off my back/hips.  Going into swings right from there was interesting, since my grip was fried so I couldn’t manhandle the KB.  Still had some hip pain on some of the swings, but by the time I got to the hypers, it was gone.

* Really focusing on trying to move with a purpose during that walk.    

* It was sprinkling just a touch during the workout, but by the time I got home and had breakfast, it turned into full on rain.  Should pass by lunch, so I may take the dogs out then, and a post dinner walk for the boxer before we head out for sparring at Tang Soo Do.

* I’ve been bad about getting in my daily throws.  

Monday, August 19, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3335

AM WORKOUT (0410 wake up via alarm)

**PHYREXIAN DREADNOUGHT** Phase 4, Week 4, Workout 1

Axle clean and press away w/116, 10 minute EMOM

2-3-5 Strict

10 of 8 strict/2 push press

2-3-5 strict

10 of 5 strict/5 push press

2-3 strict

SSB Squat against doubled light bands





2:15 hand from bar, pull up every 30 seconds


3x10 standing ab wheel

12x115 kroc row

31 axle shrugs against average bands

100 axle Poundstone curls

50 band pull aparts

Dip/push up/reactive slingshot push up/slingshot/metal catapult push up dropset

35 overheand band tricep extensions

Neck work


Moderate walk w/both dogs


* I like what I came up with for pressing work today.  Had to swallow a lot of ego, get the weight light, and get the shoulders nice and pumped.  Felt good on me.  My right hip is still screaming at me pretty good: gonna need to start rolling it out.  That’s the band aid solution: I’ll have to eventually get smart about taking care of it in general.  It made the cleans suck a bit.

* That hip came to play in particular with the SSB squats.  I’m keeping the soft belt on for the remainder of the training cycle to keep my back warm.  These were VERY high effort.  Lotta result with a little bit of weight.

* Hang from bar continues to improve.  Grip is getting strong.  I’m not being great about consistency with this and my throws, but it’s getting where I need it to be.

* Forgot to set up for GMs, but with the hip aching, it’s probably a good thing.  Used it as an opportunity to do the rows instead.  Also, that dip push up dropset was money.  Easy way to get in a lot of work in short order without putting too much load on my body.  

* Weekend nutrition really worked out well.  That big meal on Saturday, fast most of Sunday, big meal again in the evening was nourishing and my performance seemed strong.  

* Walked the dogs a little longer, and going to try to make 2 a days a regular thing with the new puppy, so good to see some activity.

* Should be getting a carb up meal tonight, which is good, because I missed it last week.  In-laws are coming into town on Thurs, so schedule will hit a little chaos.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3334

Another great weekend.  Slept until about 0730, got in my squats and push ups was still full from dinner last night, which was perfect because the Valkyrie didn't feel like making breakfast.  I suggested she go take the kiddo out for some donuts and I was able to walk the dogs for a little over 2 miles.  Very Dan John-esque: a simple morning workout, some green tea, and then a walk.

Fast continued until lunch, wherein I had a small ala carte' teriyaki chicken from Panda Express.  Still wasn't hungry, but was out with the family and figured some protein wasn't a bad idea.

Got home from chores, set the smoker to work, did some backyard clean up, restored my Ironmind gear, loaded it up to do Grace...and didn't do it.  Was honestly just the last thing I wanted to do.  I think this contest prep has gone on too long: it's been too specific and I'm getting burnt out.  But, in turn, I'm allowing myself to just not do things if I don't want to do them.

Meanwhile, dinner/meal prep went awesome

Some piedmontese beef back ribs on the left next to some pastured eggs, on the right is a smoked roast from a white tail I took home last fall. On the bottom is a piedmontese grassfed bavette and a piedmontese center cut ribeye.  Kiddo loved the ribeye and bavette: didn't care for the deer.  I enjoyed both the ribs, the eggs, and a few servings of everything else, and now have a great amount of meat for the week.

Valkyrie made some peanut butter oatmeal chocolate chip caramel cluster cookies.  I'm excited about having those tomorrow.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3333

Holy cow what an awesome Saturday.

Valkyrie got to sleep until 0800, which was awesome for her healing.  She made us breakfast, then I got in some mat pulls

10+5+3x425 off 3 mats.

My right hip was still in a bit of pain from those Zenos, so it made breaking the weight really tough, and the lockout hurt.  At rep 5 things felt a bit more solid.  I felt like I had an 11th in there, but when I went for the eccentric my body said no so I shut it down and lived to fight another day.  Walked both dogs after that.

Got some errands ran, had 5 side orders of chicken from Taco Bell for lunch (I love that I've learned I can order that), then did some sandbag work before mowing the lawn for about 70 minutes

I wish I had thought of this earlier, but I realized it made more sense to just beat the hell out of my back for one day doing the pulls and the sandbag vs doing pulls on saturday and sandbag on sunday.  Still figuring out this training cycle as I go.

For dinner, we tried out a new buffet that opened in town, and oh my goodness it's way too awesome and I can't wait to go back.

It was HUGE, mostly Asian cuisine, but no shortage of carnivore fair.  It had New York strip cooked to order at the hibachi line, and BBQ spare ribs, and all sorts of shrimp, octopus, squid, salmon, lobster, crab, etc etc.

I absolutely gorged myself.  In truth, I nearly binged.  I DID eventually stop eating, but I was definitely eating beyond satiety at one point.  I wanted to try everything there, but actually stuck carnivore as I could, avoiding things in heavy sauces and staying away from the absolute no-nos.  But I didn't come in with "a plan" which is something I usually do with buffets.  Since this was new, I didn't want to limit myself, and I was pleased with everything I ate.

I do think, next time, I might just made it a legit "steak and eggs" run.  New York strip grilled to order and eggs on the hibachi line is just absolutely baller, especially for the price.

I needed a meal like that.  I've been undereating for a bit too long, and I'm in a good place for making my weight class.

Friday, August 16, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3332

AM WORKOUT (0410 wake up via alarm)

**PHRYEXIAN DREADNOUGHT** Phase 4, Week 3, Workout 3

Axle push press out of rack



ZENO SQUATS (12 deep breaths between sets)













3x10 standing ab wheel

50 pull aparts

32 GHRs

20,7,7 dips

1 minute hang from bar, chin every 30 seconds

Band overhead tricep extensions

Band curls


Short walk w/both dogs


* As I’m getting closer to the competition, I want to get better at pressing and used to handling heavier loads.  I’m going to allow Fridays to be some pressing from the rack, and really try to intensify on it.  This also spares my back from the continental, allowing me to put more of it into the Zenos.  With Grace and mat pulls on the weekend, alongside heavy sandbag work, my back is getting slammed pretty good as it is.  This is also why I wore the strongman belt through the Zenos, which I think I’m going to continue until the competition day.  It doesn’t provide me any additional bracing capability, but it keeps my lower back warm and reduces pain, which seems to be allowing me to squat deeper, so that’s a win.

* Pressing felt pretty solid.  Missed the lockout on the final triple, but wasn’t worth fighting for.  Feeling confident in my leg drive.

* Really got to see the cascade effect on today’s Zenos.  By adding just 1 rep to the topset, I ended up doing 10 more reps total per series, which was 20 reps more for the first 2 series.  In turn, 10 reps was more than sufficient for the final set, as I went from doing 50 reps of total squats last week to 60 this week.

* Today was unique in that I was not excited to do the Zenos as I’ve been before, and even had the image of failure in my mind, but the set of 9 was FAR easier than the set of 8 last week, with depth I was much happier with.  I’ll pat myself on the back here, but this protocol really is just magical with how it makes you stronger.  Just 1 more rep than last week is so easy psychologically, but the volume sneaks up on you.  I’m up 5 reps from where I started on the topset, but that’s resulted in 36 total reps more.  And I’m mastering 315 in turn: it feels less and less heavy each week.

* Assistance went pretty well.  The GHRs are taxing.  I recognize that I’ve dropped Kroc Rows, but with all the strongman stuff I’m doing, my upperback is getting hammered enough.

* Tang Soo Do last night was more heavily focused on self defense vs cardio, which was a nice change.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3331

AM WORKOUT (0410 wake up via alarm, really good night of sleep)


Just gonna narrate.  I took my 182lb/82kg keg for max distance carries, then would run back to the start, backwards drag a prowler to the keg, run back to start, throw my throwbag (30lb) to the keg, load the keg on the prowler, backwards drag it back to the start, run back to the bag, and throw it back to the start.

Did that 3 total times in 40 minutes.  First time, I carried the keg the the .05 mile mark, turned around and walked it back a bit.  Second time was about .025 mile mark.  Third time, I carried the keg from the bottom lip in a semi-bear hug and got about .0125.


* This continues to be, apparently, my least motivating training day, because I seriously contemplated skipping it again.  I did that last week.  My alarm went off in the middle of a REM cycle and I just wasn't feeling this.  We had some bad storms last night and I was curious if it was still raining, as it would have been a good excuse to skip out.  Eventually, I managed to lie to myself about what I would do, got up, and got it done.  I'm glad to have done so, as this is a day that will directly contribute to competition results, but it's still just a slog.  I do imagine a big part of it is how I have to load everything into my truck and traveling circus it to the training area.

* Been a LONG time since I've used this keg.  It was the first one I ever purchased.  My right lower back was pretty sore/stiff to start, and this felt much heavier than I remembered.  Toward the end, I had a good feel for it again.

* Focused on really just trudging along, re-lapping as needed, ragathering, and getting "just one more step".  I'm going to do everything in my power to take this as far as I can.  

* My first throw in each series was always my best one.  I'm getting better at staying loose until the moment of release.

* When this was all done, my body actually felt better than when I started.  The reverse drags are probably pretty tonic.

* 10 years ago I met Robert Oberst and Nick Best at my third strongman competition.  Crazy how the time flies.  Also crazy just how big those men are.  And how dark my hair was.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3330

AM WORKOUT (0410 wake up via alarm.  Slightly rough night of sleep due to thunderstorms/flash flooding)

**PHYREXIAN DREADNOUGHT** Phase 4, Week 3, Workout 2

30 minutes, start each round with 1 axle zercher squat from floor w/206, 3x125 weighted dips, 3x55 weighted chins. Add a squat each round until failure. Work back down. Got up to 8 for failure and 1 backdown set

Low Handle Trap Bar Pulls



3x10 standing ab wheel

Lateral raise dropset (35x10lb, 35x5s, 35x2.5, 35xEmpty Hands)

1 minute timed hold low handle trap bar w/315 (felt calluses wanting to tear, shut it down)


Short walk w/both dogs


* Original plan was EMOM w/245 on the axle zercher, but couldn’t break it off the floor.  Apparently these back spasms are showing themselves.  Came up with this on the spot and pretty pleased with how it worked out.  The heavy dips were spot on, and by the time I got to rep 6 or 7 on the way up I was fighting for it.  It would have been nice to Tower of Babel it fully, but I needed to keep to my schedule.  

* Those trap bar pulls were definitely a test.  Felt myself wanting to spew around rep 8. I came in saying “I need to beat 10” and I did it.  This is twice as many reps as what I started the cycle with, which is awesome.  Really enjoying seeing this lift grow each week.

* Timed hold was pretty solid.  I was sore, sweaty and fatigued going in.  I feel like I will be pretty strong come comp time.

* Tang Soo Do last night wasn’t too terribly exhausting, which was good for the Valkyrie as she recovered.  Before class started though, I went through my staff form 17 times.  I intentionally selected the heaviest staff available for purchase, so this is a really solid deltoid workout.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3329

AM WORKOUT (0500 wake up via alarm: day off, slept in)

2:08 hang from pull up bar, pull up every 30 seconds
75 KB swings w/57.5lb bell
2.6 mile walk at 3.0 average pace w/80lb vest
85x270 reverse hypers


* Kid's first day of school, got the day off work, slept in and got in the tonic workout.  Would like to get in some carries and throws later, if possible, but otherwise got Tang Soo Do in the evening.

* I'm too damn lean again.  That's cool for being shirtless in the summer, but I'm 1 month out from my strongman comp and 2 weeks out from grappling and can stand to have some more bodyweight for both.  We know the way.

* Really digging hanging from a bar.  My back was feeling stiff this morning.  I keep having spasms, which relates to that leanness mentioned.  Hanging builds the grip strength AND takes pressure off my back.  When combined with swings and hypers, it's a cure all.

Monday, August 12, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3328

AM WORKOUT (0425 wake up via alarm.  Slept in with day off work)

**PHYREXIAN DREADNOUGHT** Phase 4, Week 3, Workout 1

Axle continental and press away in some fashion, EMOM for 10 minutes w/136







Wheels fell off, survived

SSB Front Squat








3x10 standing ab wheel

17x125 SSB good mornings

50 band pull aparts

30xAverage Band axle shrugs

100 Axle Poundstone Curls

25-10-7-5-5-5 dips superset w/5-3-2-2-2 chins

Neck harness work


* Was low on energy and pop.  Weekends are pretty taxing on this point, and I need to eat more.  Weighed in at 82.1kg AFTER breakfast and 30oz of green tea with electrolytes mixed in, so I'm light enough for weight making.

* Definitely just need plain ol more upper body volume.  I've thought about stealing the assistance from Building the Monolith moving forward.

* Little bit of right hip pain flaring up again.  Comes and goes.

* Right bicep was REALLY cramping up on the heavy set of front squats.  Unique problem to have.  Especially chasing it with the Poundstone curls.

* REALLY focused on the hip hinge on the good mornings. 

Got in a 1.5 mile walk today with the kiddo, and then I got HOOKED UP at back to school night.  They had food trucks, and I decided to see what shenanigans I could come up with. 

Went to the Thai Food truck and asked "Hey, could I get JUST the chicken from the chicken pad thai?  Like, charge me for the whole thing but just give me the chicken.  I'll order 2 servings and pay that much."  There was a little confusion at first, 

"You want no noodles or rice?  Just chicken and veggies and eggs?" 

"No veggies, but oh if you can do eggs too that'd be awesome".  

"...yeah, we can do that!"

What I was expecting: by asking for 2 servings worth of just the chicken from the pad thai, I'd get one decent serving worth of chicken.

What I got

What I ate:

...all of it.  And the chicken that was leftover from my wife's chicken fried rice.

Gotta celebrate these Ws.  I forgot, from my time in south Asia, that these folks tend to dig a big dude with a big appetite.  Yesterday, a south asian gentlemen working at the gas station informed me "I like your body: it's very cool" while flexing at me.  I appreciate the frankness there.

Yeah, was there some sort of sauce and oil on the food that didn't make it ultra carnivore clean?  Sure, but considering this is the day I typically have my carb up meal, that's a minor issue.  I WAS kinda hoping it'd be a little spicy, just because I haven't had spice in a while, but it was just temperature hot.

But still: what a way to get to yes.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3327

Holy cow I'm riding the high of today.

Valkyrie got in some better sleep last night.  We got out of bed around 8, I did my squats and push ups, she made me an amazing breakfast, she was feeling good enough that we got out of the house for a little and I got some carne asada for lunch.

She was feeling a nap, we got home, I put on my shoes to get in some sandbag work and go for a walk, and while putting on my shoes my back spasmed.

To which I said "Chaos is the plan" and sandbagged anyway

Just one long round, but I'm working on getting the bag a little higher up to clear my hips and allow me some longer strides.  I genuinely think I'm going to do well on this event just because, from what I can see, there's no time limit: it's just a matter of if you drop it.  And since I seem to be able to just pause and "little engine that could" it a few more steps each time, f**k everyone else

After that, I got in a 1.5 mile walk, then immediately set to the task of smoking a leg of lamb for the first time in my life.

...with some piedmontese beef ribs, of course, because beef ribs are life

3 hours later, and it was amazing

The Valkyrie hasn't really been feeling meat while she's been healing, so I actually did a BIG BBQ spread for the family.  2 different kinds of mac n cheese (regular and bacon), BBQ baked beans, local sweet corn, and some tater rounds: just comfort food all around.  Also did some smoked sausage, because that IS the BBQ my wife likes.

The lamb was like butter.  Oh my god I once again have discovered my favorite ruminant animal.  All I used was salt and duck fat spray.  The ribs were yummy as well, but I think I left them on the smoker too long.  Next time, I'll pull them off before the lamb.  Also, huge victory: my kid LOVED the lamb too.  It's so awesome to me when they get adventurous with protein.  This is the same kid that loves Texas De Brazil, so they said, next time we go, they'll get some more lamb.  Score.

I think it's pretty obvious that I'm fed up with cutting weight.  From the video, I'm still too damn lean, and my arms are getting spindly.  I have a bunch of ideas in my head on this, because I don't want to abandon Zenos or ROM progression, but I think I can make it work and still focus on blowing up again.  Really, I need to do more than 10 minutes of upper body work when I train.  Or maybe go to 4 days of lifting instead of 3.  Lots of ways to succeed.

I have the next 2 days off work.  Get to spend it with my kiddo.  It's the first day of school on Tuesday, which is a half day, and tomorrow there is no child care, so I get to take care of them.  Great time all around.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3326

Quick wavetops: slept off and on until 0730, great breakfast, some mat pulls off a 4 mat


Hips are a little achy, and my hamstrings and quads are super sore from Zenos.  Made the initial pull very hard.  Honestly pleased with how this went in that context.

Did some chores to take care of the family, let the Valkyrie, kiddo and both wolves stay home, brought home a fresh kill from lunch (...Panda Express), then hit axle Grace

You could time it with an hour glass, but I tend to move slow when I do it on the days I do the mat pulls

Immediately mowed the lawn for an hour after that.  Then hung from a bar for 2:20, doing a pull up every 30 seconds.  New record.  Back to living.

Friday, August 9, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3325

AM WORKOUT (0410 Wake up via alarm)

**PHYREXIAN DREADNOUGHT** Phase 4, Week 2, Workout 3

Axle continental and push press away (max reps in 1 min, 1 min rest between rounds)














3x10 standing ab wheel

30 GHRs

2:18 hang from bar w/pull up every 30 seconds

50 band pull aparts

25 band overhead tricep extensions

25 band curls


Short walk w/both dogs


* I was really pleased with the pop I brought into the push presses today.  I spent a little bit of time drilling the mechanics in the warm-up, and it seemed to pay off.  The continental was a bit of a struggle today, but pressing was strong, and 5-6 for the first 2 sets is a very strong showing.

* I pulled my left groin area slightly last night in Tang Soo Do during a rollfall drill, and it came to play a little during the Zeno squats.  A bigger variable is, since last week, it’s felt like there’s a hole in my right quad.  I most likely pulled something as a result of dehydration.  It meant that today was a really tough set of squats.  I wasn’t terribly satisfied with my depth on the 8th squat of 315, but the effort was high enough for the remainder of the work, and I can celebrate the fact that I’ve now doubled my opening reps since starting this round of Zenos.  This protocol really is something special.  The widowmaker at the end reached its limit: just went with a clean 20 reps vs trying for a rep PR.

* 30 GHRs was solid work.  Cool to see some progression there.  And the hang was a PR.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3324

AM WORKOUT (0410 Wake up via alarm)

**PHRYEXIAN DREADNOUGHT** Phase 4, Week 2, Workout 2

JUAREZ VALLEY axle zercher squats from floor w/186lbs

11-1-10-2-9-3-8(dropped on rep 6, had to reset)-4-7-5-6

5x135lb axle dead incline bench between rounds

Time: 26:19

End with 

Low handle trap bar pulls



3x10 standing ab wheel

Lateral raise dropset (35x10lb, 35x5, 35x2.5, 35xEmpty Hands)

1:45 low handle trap bar hold w/225

50 band pull aparts


Short walk w/both dogs


* I’m feeling pretty good, but I also understand that feeling pretty good and trying to do what I did when I was 100% is not a great idea, so I went back to a classic to allow myself to drop the load while still increasing the challenge.  Juarez Valley squats, but instead of the burpee I threw in the incline bench with some reduced weight so I could get in some more volume.

* I, apparently, have been sleeping on zercher squats for quads.  When doing sets of 3 I didn’t notice it, but on those high rep sets they blew up.  Specifically, I imagine it was the “resting” with the axle on my knees during the later reps, as it was effectively a loaded quad stretch.  That might actually be something I bring into the fold if I get back to DoggCrapp.  But either way, my quads were blown UP on the long sets.

* This hit the heart and lungs pretty good as well.  This and Tower of Babel are always effective for that.  I may actually consider alternating between those workouts and the EMOM for this phase of the program.

* Back and hips felt pretty solid for the trap bar pulls.  That’s 4 reps over what I managed last week.  Biggest thing was keeping my chow in and my head straight, especially with how exhausting the workout beforehand was.

* After those trap bar pulls, I was toast.  Kept the assistance work light.  On the timed hold, the weight started shifting forward on me, which increased the challenge.  I SHOULD actually break out my farmer’s handles at some point for this, since that’s what the competition will evaluate me on.

* Sat out Tang Soo Do last night so I could play nurse for the Valkyrie.  We should be able to attend tonight.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3323

AM WORKOUT (0410 wake up via alarm)

75 KB swings w/57.5lb bell

2.8 mile walk at 3.0 mph pace w/80lb vest

85x270 reverse hypers


Short walk w/both dogs


* If ever there was a time for a tonic workout, this was it.  And like bitter medicine, I never want it, but I know I’m better for doing it.  This is probably one of the most positive things I’ve included in my training. 

* Really felt like I was hustling on the walk, but at one point I hit a jagged part of the sidewalk, flew forward 5 steps and nearly ate it which, with a weight vest on, is pretty terrifying.  It didn’t feel too terribly great on my back.  After that point, I imagine I throttled back a little subconsciously and ended up keeping the 3.0 pace.

* Reverse hypers felt good on the back/hips.  I’m mostly recovered, but still stiff. 

* Speaking of mostly recovered, still holding onto some of the illness.  I’ve actually got a little pooch of water on my lower abdomen right now: it’s kind of funny to see, since my abs are still well defined.  Body is just holding inflammation.  Also had my carb up yesterday, so I’ve got some water.

* Tang Soo Do is on the schedule tonight, but my Valkyrie got hit hard with whatever it was that I had.  I may stay home with her and play nurse.  This is when we’re supposed to get our new belts, so there is a chance she’ll attend just to receive that and bow out: we’ll play by ear.

Monday, August 5, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3322

AM WORKOUT (0410 wake up via alarm, medicine hangover)

**PHRYEXIAN DREADNOUGHT** Phase 4, Week 2, Workout 1

EMOM Axle push press from rack w/161lbs


SSB Squats against doubled light bands






3x10 standing ab wheel

28 axle shrugs against average bands

50 band pull aparts

100 Poundstone curls w/Axle

50 overhead tricep extensions


Short walk w/both dogs


* Still not 100%, but feeling better.  You can hear/see me hacking away between sets on the axle, and my back is still pretty stiff.  Been using “Mucinex Nightshift” before bed these past 3 evenings, but the first 2 were weekends so I could sleep in.  Getting up this morning to train, I was still feeling the impacts of the meds.  It’s been 4 hours since I woke up and I’m still in a bit of a fog, so I think I’ll hang that up for now.  I’m mostly out of the woods, but figured I shouldn’t “operate heavy machinery” while under the influence, so I stayed away from cleans and continentals and just took things out of the rack.  Focused on the push press mechanics, which was probably for the best.  Came up with the rep scheme on the fly: didn’t want to do a full 1+ min rest, but knew I wouldn’t be able to hit 5s and 4s EMOM, so just had the 1 rep to keep me fresh between rounds.  Feeling better with the push press.

* Still kept the soft belt for the squats to let my back have some heat.  That set of 175 was rough, and I was 50/50 on if I could make another rep if I tried.  This is still a PR as far as weight goes, so I hung it up and told myself I’d make it up on the widowmaker.  Got 1 rep more than my last attempt, and poured 100% of my soul into it, because once that set was done I was absolutely toast.  Had no pull ups in me, so just went with the basics.  Kept the SSB good mornings out to give my back/hips some time to heal.

* Those overhead tricep extensions were actually pretty solid on my triceps: I’ll have to remember that for the future.  Also thinking I might do some Juarez Valley or Blackjack come Wednesday if I can’t get my hips right.

* First time walking both dogs on my own.  They’re figuring it out.

* Carb up meal tonight.  Some farmer’s casserole and chocolate chip cookies await me.  I’m holding a bit of inflammation from being ill: I can actually feeling the water in my abdominal muscles bounce up and down when I walk.  Always interesting how illness manifests.

Sunday, August 4, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3321

Today was a light day.  Slept in until about 0700, got out of bed at 0800 (laid next to the Valkyrie while she rested), had a great breakfast, took both dogs for a short walk, and then otherwise laid low.  Was set up to train, but opted for a nap with the Valkyrie instead.  I'm feeling better, but still sick, and I felt like a day without training was going to be more beneficial than a day with training.  It being 100 degrees helped with that decision.  We did get in a 1 mile walk outside, and I had an awesome dinner of some piedmontese grassfed new york strips, 3 pastured eggs, and some breast from a wild turkey my wife's co-worker got us.

Tomorrow, I get back after it.  I'm feeling good for it.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3320

Slept until about 0730, got up and got in some very slow squats and push ups.  Back is super stiff and this illness is most likely viral, as it hits me hardest at the morning and evening.

Had a fantastic breakfast, walked both dogs a short distance, got some burger patties from Culver's for lunch, and then got in some mat pulls when we got home

I really had ZERO expectations coming into this, since my back was so tender, but it looks like I'm still able to perform on demand.  The 13 reps this week were easier than last week.  I most likely could have pulled more reps if I wanted to do some hard hitching and grinding, but since I had my Tang Soo Do test a few hours after this, I decided to be safe.  Ended up going 13+5+4x425 from 5 mats.

Rested up enough for said Tang Soo Do test.  I was feeling better, but still ill, and it showed, because I completely sweat through my dobak in the first portion of the test.

We have a physical testing requirement to start off.  At my rank, they're 35 push ups (elbows tucked to the side), 35 sit ups, and 35 jumping jacks.  If you do them slapass, they're a cakewalk, but if you actually put some rep quality into them, it can be challenging.  After that was an hour of basics, and that was pretty brutal, but we had one student fallout and I wasn't that student, so I was happy with that.

From there, one-step self defense.  Paired up with the Valkyrie.  My head was spinning and I was making some simple mistakes, but I played it cool enough that it wasn't obvious.

After that was forms/hyungs/kata (depending on your region).  I put max effort into this.  I was still pouring sweat as well, and I lost my voice during the basics, so I was letting out some very horse kiais.  

From here was sparring.  Just did a round with the Valkryie, and then a 2-on-1 against here and our senior student, then we put the shoe on the other foot.  I did well on the 2-on-1: all about space management.

From here was board breaking.  I went with an upset knifehand for my hand technique, as it's my "steak and eggs" of hand techniques on a board break.  It looks cool and challenging and I can do it in my sleep.  For the kick, I went with a challenge: a spin axe kick.  I'm something of an axe kick meme in sparring, as I like to pretend I'm Andy Hug while no one else cares to use them, so I figured I'd give it a go. My instructor had legit never seen anyone do it before, so that was cool.  Nailed them both on the first try.  From there, 2 hours of testing was done.

Picked up BBQ (half rack of ribs for me, on top of those ribs I had yesterday, it's been 2 good days in a row) and settling in for the evening.  I'm sick, exhausted, broken, bruised, forgotten, sore, and couldn't be happier.  Super proud of my family.  My kid and Valkyrie both nailed their board breaks and both picked some challenging techniques.  We're rocking this.

Friday, August 2, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3319

AM WORKOUT (0425 wake up via alarm, slept in again with schedule)

**PHYREXIAN DREADNOUGHT** Phase 4, Week 1, Workout 3

Had to adapt a little due to that small back spasm yesterday

Axle press out of rack, EMOM



ZENO SQUATS (12 deep breaths between sets)











3x10 standing ab wheel

90 second hang from bar, pull up every 30 seconds


* Back was a little stiff when I woke up, so compromised a little.  Took presses out of the rack, and wore the strongman soft belt on the squats.  I'm honestly incredibly amazed those squats happened at all.  Previously, one of these back spasms would mean a complete no sale there.  I imagine my new form on squats allows for a bit more leeway, as my back stays more upright.  Either way, felt strong in the warm ups and strong on the execution.  Progressed through, adding a rep to the top sets, getting that cascade effect, and a rep at the end on the widowmaker.

* Pressing out of the rack EMOM was solid enough.  Really showing me that I need to get in more pressing volume in general.  I think the Phryexian Dreadnought is going to be my way forward for a while, but I need to really figure out the upper body pressing portion of it, and the answer is going to be more volume.

* Assistance on the lighter side.  On top of everything else going on, I test for a new Tang Soo Do belt tomorrow, so I can't be completely fried.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3318

AM WORKOUT (0425 wake up via alarm: slept in due to schedule allowance)

**PHYREXIAN DREADNOUGHT** Phase 4, Week 1, Workout 2

30 minute EMOM

Round 1: 3x241 axle zercher squat from floor (back spasm on rep 2 of 9th round, shut it down on final round)

Round 2: 3x122.5lb weighted dip

Round 3: 3/2x57.5lb weighted NG chin (3 first 5 rounds, 2 last 5)


End with

Trap bar pulls (VERY controlled eccentric)



3x10 standing ab wheel

Lateral Raise dropset (35x10lb, 35x5, 35x2.5, 35xEmpty Hands)

Hang from bar w/pull up every 30 seconds: 2:05 total

50 band pull aparts


* Not quite 100%, but feeling substantially better than yesterday, and INCREDIBLY strong on the zerchers…which is most likely why I had that back spasm in the penultimate round.  When we feel good, we tend to push harder, whereas when we feel crummy we brace and take our time.  The exact reason I quit taking Surge: I felt too damn good on it and kept pushing too hard.  I also imagine I’m a touch dehydrated from the coughing (you can hear/see it on the video), and I typically run into this issue whenever I get too lean.  Abdominal circumference goes down, and with it comes core stability.  But while I’m sounding so smart about this, I’m also smarter now in that I knew to just shut it down once the spasm happened and then go from there.  I evaluated how I felt during the ab wheel and warm ups on the trap bar and found I still had some bracing and stability in me, just couldn’t go for broke, so I went with a very controlled eccentric and took what I could.  Sets me up for success for the next round, but I’m also pleased I went for 20x405 last week, since this week would have been the time for that and I’m not sure how well that would have gone.    

* Dips remain a very solid pressing movement for me.  Continued progress.  Bar was a little slippery today.  I’m sweating out whatever is in me, which, combined with the already high heat index, had things very slick.

* Chins continue to be hit or miss, but I’ll keep putting in the effort.  The hang from bar is going well.  I forgot to make this a trap bar hold day, but given the back spasm, hanging from a bar was most likely the right way forward.  Helped the back unkink a little.

* Kept assistance work on the short side, since my schedule is a little jumbled.  Planning on lifting again tomorrow and saving events for the weekend.

* On the topic of schedule, Valkyrie and Kiddo are picking up Toadette today, which is why I got to sleep in: didn’t have to make breakfasts or take the kid to summer program.  I’m taking the day off work tomorrow to break in the new pup, which means I’ve already got some piedmontese beef back ribs thawed out which I plan to throw on the smoker for lunch.  It’s a good day.

There she is

* Tang Soo Do was canceled last night because we had 80 mph winds and rain.  Lotta places lost power.  Thankfully, not us, but my fence lost 3 sections, so now I have yet another home project.  My father-in-law installed fences in his youth and is excited at the idea of coming by to help, but I honestly would just prefer to contract this out and have it off my plate.  We’ll see how it shakes out.  But on the plus side, the new deck weathered the storm very well.