Tuesday, August 20, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3336

AM WORKOUT (0410 wake up via alarm)

2:20 hang from bar, pull up every 30 seconds

75 KB swings w/57.5lb bell

2.71 mile walk at 3.1 mph pace w/80lb vest

90x270lb reverse hypers


No walk w/dogs (started to rain)


* Training motivation is really low these days.  Pretty much every time the alarm goes off, I ask myself what I have to do today and if I can move the workout.  This one is always tough because it’s so anti-climactic, but it’s also the best gift I give myself each week, because as I sit here, my hip pain is gone.

* Hung from the bar to start the workout because it took some pressure off my back/hips.  Going into swings right from there was interesting, since my grip was fried so I couldn’t manhandle the KB.  Still had some hip pain on some of the swings, but by the time I got to the hypers, it was gone.

* Really focusing on trying to move with a purpose during that walk.    

* It was sprinkling just a touch during the workout, but by the time I got home and had breakfast, it turned into full on rain.  Should pass by lunch, so I may take the dogs out then, and a post dinner walk for the boxer before we head out for sparring at Tang Soo Do.

* I’ve been bad about getting in my daily throws.  

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