Friday, August 2, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3319

AM WORKOUT (0425 wake up via alarm, slept in again with schedule)

**PHYREXIAN DREADNOUGHT** Phase 4, Week 1, Workout 3

Had to adapt a little due to that small back spasm yesterday

Axle press out of rack, EMOM



ZENO SQUATS (12 deep breaths between sets)











3x10 standing ab wheel

90 second hang from bar, pull up every 30 seconds


* Back was a little stiff when I woke up, so compromised a little.  Took presses out of the rack, and wore the strongman soft belt on the squats.  I'm honestly incredibly amazed those squats happened at all.  Previously, one of these back spasms would mean a complete no sale there.  I imagine my new form on squats allows for a bit more leeway, as my back stays more upright.  Either way, felt strong in the warm ups and strong on the execution.  Progressed through, adding a rep to the top sets, getting that cascade effect, and a rep at the end on the widowmaker.

* Pressing out of the rack EMOM was solid enough.  Really showing me that I need to get in more pressing volume in general.  I think the Phryexian Dreadnought is going to be my way forward for a while, but I need to really figure out the upper body pressing portion of it, and the answer is going to be more volume.

* Assistance on the lighter side.  On top of everything else going on, I test for a new Tang Soo Do belt tomorrow, so I can't be completely fried.

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