Monday, August 5, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3322

AM WORKOUT (0410 wake up via alarm, medicine hangover)

**PHRYEXIAN DREADNOUGHT** Phase 4, Week 2, Workout 1

EMOM Axle push press from rack w/161lbs


SSB Squats against doubled light bands






3x10 standing ab wheel

28 axle shrugs against average bands

50 band pull aparts

100 Poundstone curls w/Axle

50 overhead tricep extensions


Short walk w/both dogs


* Still not 100%, but feeling better.  You can hear/see me hacking away between sets on the axle, and my back is still pretty stiff.  Been using “Mucinex Nightshift” before bed these past 3 evenings, but the first 2 were weekends so I could sleep in.  Getting up this morning to train, I was still feeling the impacts of the meds.  It’s been 4 hours since I woke up and I’m still in a bit of a fog, so I think I’ll hang that up for now.  I’m mostly out of the woods, but figured I shouldn’t “operate heavy machinery” while under the influence, so I stayed away from cleans and continentals and just took things out of the rack.  Focused on the push press mechanics, which was probably for the best.  Came up with the rep scheme on the fly: didn’t want to do a full 1+ min rest, but knew I wouldn’t be able to hit 5s and 4s EMOM, so just had the 1 rep to keep me fresh between rounds.  Feeling better with the push press.

* Still kept the soft belt for the squats to let my back have some heat.  That set of 175 was rough, and I was 50/50 on if I could make another rep if I tried.  This is still a PR as far as weight goes, so I hung it up and told myself I’d make it up on the widowmaker.  Got 1 rep more than my last attempt, and poured 100% of my soul into it, because once that set was done I was absolutely toast.  Had no pull ups in me, so just went with the basics.  Kept the SSB good mornings out to give my back/hips some time to heal.

* Those overhead tricep extensions were actually pretty solid on my triceps: I’ll have to remember that for the future.  Also thinking I might do some Juarez Valley or Blackjack come Wednesday if I can’t get my hips right.

* First time walking both dogs on my own.  They’re figuring it out.

* Carb up meal tonight.  Some farmer’s casserole and chocolate chip cookies await me.  I’m holding a bit of inflammation from being ill: I can actually feeling the water in my abdominal muscles bounce up and down when I walk.  Always interesting how illness manifests.

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