Monday, August 19, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3335

AM WORKOUT (0410 wake up via alarm)

**PHYREXIAN DREADNOUGHT** Phase 4, Week 4, Workout 1

Axle clean and press away w/116, 10 minute EMOM

2-3-5 Strict

10 of 8 strict/2 push press

2-3-5 strict

10 of 5 strict/5 push press

2-3 strict

SSB Squat against doubled light bands





2:15 hand from bar, pull up every 30 seconds


3x10 standing ab wheel

12x115 kroc row

31 axle shrugs against average bands

100 axle Poundstone curls

50 band pull aparts

Dip/push up/reactive slingshot push up/slingshot/metal catapult push up dropset

35 overheand band tricep extensions

Neck work


Moderate walk w/both dogs


* I like what I came up with for pressing work today.  Had to swallow a lot of ego, get the weight light, and get the shoulders nice and pumped.  Felt good on me.  My right hip is still screaming at me pretty good: gonna need to start rolling it out.  That’s the band aid solution: I’ll have to eventually get smart about taking care of it in general.  It made the cleans suck a bit.

* That hip came to play in particular with the SSB squats.  I’m keeping the soft belt on for the remainder of the training cycle to keep my back warm.  These were VERY high effort.  Lotta result with a little bit of weight.

* Hang from bar continues to improve.  Grip is getting strong.  I’m not being great about consistency with this and my throws, but it’s getting where I need it to be.

* Forgot to set up for GMs, but with the hip aching, it’s probably a good thing.  Used it as an opportunity to do the rows instead.  Also, that dip push up dropset was money.  Easy way to get in a lot of work in short order without putting too much load on my body.  

* Weekend nutrition really worked out well.  That big meal on Saturday, fast most of Sunday, big meal again in the evening was nourishing and my performance seemed strong.  

* Walked the dogs a little longer, and going to try to make 2 a days a regular thing with the new puppy, so good to see some activity.

* Should be getting a carb up meal tonight, which is good, because I missed it last week.  In-laws are coming into town on Thurs, so schedule will hit a little chaos.

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