Monday, August 26, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3340

AM WORKOUT (0435 wake up via alarm, slept in due to schedule)

**PHYREXIAN DREADNOUGHT** Phase 4, Week 5, Workout 1

Axle clean and press away w/116

2-3-5-10 strict

2-3-5 strict

4+2 push

2-3 strict

SSB Front Squats





Noped out of the rest


3x10 standing ab wheel

5x7 chins, 2x5 chins (various grips)

Some axle shrugs w/average bands

100 axle poundstone curls

50 band pull aparts

Dips+ push ups dropset (using reactive slingshot, slingshot, and metal catapult)


Moderate walk w/both dogs


* Wheels totally fell off today.  Didn’t bother saving the recording.  I think between the excessive heat (we got up to over 110, with stupid humidity yesterday), building fences, airshows, etc, my body was just toast.  I could press just fine, but squatting was a nightmare.  All of my joints hurt, and my hip kept flaring up.  I was in pain just trying to rack the 265 I was going to attempt, and I tried some follow ons with lighter weight, and each time my body told me “no”.  Looking at where I am with my training, I realize it’s been quite a while since I’ve had a deload, and I do think I’m seeing the impact of how hard I worked on my Zenos on Friday.  I may be competing on Saturday, and I have a strongman competition 2 weeks after that.  I’m not going to get a whole lot stronger between then and now, but I can definitely get more hurt, so I just called it and focused on the upper body work.

* I have my walk tomorrow, which should help with restoration.  Family meal tonight too, which I’m sure will have some positives.  Weighed in at 80.9kg, so I’m at least moving the scale in the right direction.  

* I’m thinking, moving forward, capping Zenos at 10s vs my traditional 14, and increasing weight for the next round by 10-15 vs my traditional 40-50.  I have a few other ideas circulating around that I’ll need to jot down at some point.

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