Wednesday, August 21, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3337

AM WORKOUT (0410 Wake up via alarm, heavy sleep)

**PHYREXIAN DREADNOUGHT** Phase 4, Week 4, Workout 2

JUAREZ VALLEY Axle Zercher Squats from Floor w/186lb


5x135lb axle dead incline bench between sets

Time: 28:22

Low handle trap bar pull

6x425 (set up issue)


3x10 standing ab wheel

Lateral raise dropset (35x10lb, 35x5, 35x2.5, 35xEmpty Hands)

50 band pull aparts

1 minute low handle trap bar hold w/315lb


Short walk w/dogs


* I was a bit more excited for today’s training.  Knowing that the weights were going to be lighter and the workout more conditioning focused seemed to get me energized, along with the trap bar set at the end, which ultimately was a dud.  I ended up with 1 more rep in the topset than last week, and honestly could have pushed even further than that, but I knew how hard last week was and figured 1 more rep was enough, especially understanding that “1 more rep” meant 12 reps total.  Went from 66 reps of zercher squats to 78, and still got it done in less than 30 minutes.

* Tried to focus on standing a bit more upright and locked out on the squats today.  I can see how one can cheat by staying folded over while extending the hips.  The axle incline benching is still just about right for submax work.  And, in general, I was wiped out from this: Juarez Valley is always good for that.

* Had a set-up issue on the trap bar: first time I was too far forward, resulting in the weight tipping backwards.  Typically I have the opposite issue.  I fought on every rep, and after 6 I was just wiped out.  I imagine the fatigue I was carrying coming into from the hard Juarez Valley workout contributed there as well.  Was content to just shut it down from there: live to fight another day.

* On a general positive note: my right hip was absent of pain during the workout today.  It flared up a few times at Tang Soo Do last night, but is otherwise doing ok. The Tuesday workout always seems to help.

* Tang Soo Do sparring night went pretty well.  I got to beat one of the black belts, do some mentoring with a junior student, and square off against the Valkyrie in another match that went to sudden death with her scoring on a hook kick to the head at the end.  She advanced to fight the senior student, and took it to sudden death with a body punch getting her 1-1.  She ended up getting defeated with a head kick, but held her own well.  Was proud to see it.

* Stepped on the scale post workout shower and saw 79.9kg.  F**k.  Gotta keep the food up.

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