Sunday, August 11, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3327

Holy cow I'm riding the high of today.

Valkyrie got in some better sleep last night.  We got out of bed around 8, I did my squats and push ups, she made me an amazing breakfast, she was feeling good enough that we got out of the house for a little and I got some carne asada for lunch.

She was feeling a nap, we got home, I put on my shoes to get in some sandbag work and go for a walk, and while putting on my shoes my back spasmed.

To which I said "Chaos is the plan" and sandbagged anyway

Just one long round, but I'm working on getting the bag a little higher up to clear my hips and allow me some longer strides.  I genuinely think I'm going to do well on this event just because, from what I can see, there's no time limit: it's just a matter of if you drop it.  And since I seem to be able to just pause and "little engine that could" it a few more steps each time, f**k everyone else

After that, I got in a 1.5 mile walk, then immediately set to the task of smoking a leg of lamb for the first time in my life.

...with some piedmontese beef ribs, of course, because beef ribs are life

3 hours later, and it was amazing

The Valkyrie hasn't really been feeling meat while she's been healing, so I actually did a BIG BBQ spread for the family.  2 different kinds of mac n cheese (regular and bacon), BBQ baked beans, local sweet corn, and some tater rounds: just comfort food all around.  Also did some smoked sausage, because that IS the BBQ my wife likes.

The lamb was like butter.  Oh my god I once again have discovered my favorite ruminant animal.  All I used was salt and duck fat spray.  The ribs were yummy as well, but I think I left them on the smoker too long.  Next time, I'll pull them off before the lamb.  Also, huge victory: my kid LOVED the lamb too.  It's so awesome to me when they get adventurous with protein.  This is the same kid that loves Texas De Brazil, so they said, next time we go, they'll get some more lamb.  Score.

I think it's pretty obvious that I'm fed up with cutting weight.  From the video, I'm still too damn lean, and my arms are getting spindly.  I have a bunch of ideas in my head on this, because I don't want to abandon Zenos or ROM progression, but I think I can make it work and still focus on blowing up again.  Really, I need to do more than 10 minutes of upper body work when I train.  Or maybe go to 4 days of lifting instead of 3.  Lots of ways to succeed.

I have the next 2 days off work.  Get to spend it with my kiddo.  It's the first day of school on Tuesday, which is a half day, and tomorrow there is no child care, so I get to take care of them.  Great time all around.

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