Tuesday, August 13, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3329

AM WORKOUT (0500 wake up via alarm: day off, slept in)

2:08 hang from pull up bar, pull up every 30 seconds
75 KB swings w/57.5lb bell
2.6 mile walk at 3.0 average pace w/80lb vest
85x270 reverse hypers


* Kid's first day of school, got the day off work, slept in and got in the tonic workout.  Would like to get in some carries and throws later, if possible, but otherwise got Tang Soo Do in the evening.

* I'm too damn lean again.  That's cool for being shirtless in the summer, but I'm 1 month out from my strongman comp and 2 weeks out from grappling and can stand to have some more bodyweight for both.  We know the way.

* Really digging hanging from a bar.  My back was feeling stiff this morning.  I keep having spasms, which relates to that leanness mentioned.  Hanging builds the grip strength AND takes pressure off my back.  When combined with swings and hypers, it's a cure all.

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