Thursday, August 29, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3343

AM WORKOUT (0410 wake up via alarm)


Took my 100lb keg, prowler and 30lb throwbag out today.

Max distance carried the keg, first in the staggered grip carry, then a bearhug, then another staggered grip carry.

Once I reached max distance, I’d run back to the start, reverse drag the prowler to the keg, run back to the start, throw the throwbag to the keg, load the keg onto the prowler, reverse drag it to the start, run back to the bag, throw it to the start.

Took 1 minute rests between those attempts.  Total of 45 minutes of training.


Moderate walk w/both dogs


* Was actually pretty excited to get after this today.  As my hip pain continues to resolve, my motivation seems to climb.  Perhaps I was just too beat up.  I’m realizing I haven’t had a for real deload in quite a while, and that will be something I need to actually include moving forward.  Typically, life gives me deloads, but that hasn’t been the case so far.

* Went with the lighter weight on the keg to spare the hip, and since I’m grappling this weekend (I changed divisions from Masters to 18+ so that I’d actually have competition) I figure I’ll have ample opportunities to move heavier awkward objects.  Really went all out on how far I carried the damn keg as a result.  The prowler was pretty nice on the hips and knees too.

* Figured out to start the bag throw with a counter-force rotation, and it really seemed to pay off.  Picking up little tricks as I go.

* Tang Soo Do last night was a little lower intensity, although we DID start the warm ups with various animals crawls.  Since it’s summer, we’re in t-shirt tops vs the traditional Dobak, and the Valkryie told me “You are a mountain of muscle” when she saw me crab walking, bear crawling, and upperbody-only dragging myself across the Dojang floor.  Big ego boost there.

* Interesting aside, but my body odor has been awful these past few days, and I’m realizing I hit the garlic bread harder than usual during my Monday meal.  It’s amazing the little things that have impacts after you’ve had an elimination diet for so long.

* Gotta brag about my kiddo: I made some steaks for dinner last night, cooked theirs medium rare and made some VERY rare steaks for myself.  Kiddo finished theirs and still wanted more steak, so I let them have some of mine.  These were like, cold blue center rare, and my kid DEVOURED them.  Said they really liked them.  I have another barbarian to raise!  Funny enough, I’ve been hammering the value of protein for so long and it fell on deaf ears, but now they’re taking a “healthy eating” course in school, and they’ve emphasized the importance of protein in a diet, so now my kid is all abound the gains train.  I’ll take it.

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