Sunday, August 4, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3321

Today was a light day.  Slept in until about 0700, got out of bed at 0800 (laid next to the Valkyrie while she rested), had a great breakfast, took both dogs for a short walk, and then otherwise laid low.  Was set up to train, but opted for a nap with the Valkyrie instead.  I'm feeling better, but still sick, and I felt like a day without training was going to be more beneficial than a day with training.  It being 100 degrees helped with that decision.  We did get in a 1 mile walk outside, and I had an awesome dinner of some piedmontese grassfed new york strips, 3 pastured eggs, and some breast from a wild turkey my wife's co-worker got us.

Tomorrow, I get back after it.  I'm feeling good for it.

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