Friday, August 30, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3344

AM WORKOUT (0500 wake up via alarm, slept in with schedule)

**PHYREXIAN DREADNOUGHT** Phase 5, Week 1, Workout 3

Axle push press

Breathing Squats


* With the competition tomorrow, I wanted to keep this short and intense, and keep the loading light on the squats.  Getting doubles on all the push presses was a delightful surprise.  My hip isn't 100%, but it's trending in a very positive direction.  My right knee is still pretty buggy.  I think I pushed the Zenos to the absolute limit while in a deficit.  I need to learn the lessons from DoggCrapp: reduce frequency, increase variety.  

* I had intentions of going to 50 on the breathing squats, but my back was screaming at me, and with me needing to perform tomorrow I capped it at a reasonable number.  Same reason I dropped the assistance work.

* I realized that this really is a new phase of the program, so called renumbered the work.

* Tang Soo Do last night wasn't terribly challenging, but I WAS able to get my kicks high again without running into issues, so that's a good sign.

* We have an outing at our favorite pumpkin patch tonight, which means I get a turkey leg for dinner.  I can't think of a better pre-comp dinner.  Plan is steak and eggs in the morning.  I have zero issues making weight for comp.  I'm also planning on wearing my 2005 era Sprawl shorts, just to date myself.  I looked at the competitor list for my bracket, and not only am I the ONLY guy with a birthyear in the 80s, but 3 of the competitors were born while I was high school, so that's cool.

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