Tuesday, August 27, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3341

AM WORKOUT (0410 wake up via alarm)

2 minute hang from bar w/pull up every 30 seconds

75 KB swings w/57.5lb bell

2.75 mile walk w/80lb vest at 3.0 pace

90x270lb reverse hypers

50 band pull aparts


Short walk w/dogs


* There were some lightning storms and a little bit of rain when I woke up this morning, so I went with my sand filled vest vs the Ironmaster one.  Seemed like a smart idea to not wear a bunch of metal around lightning, and this prevented rust.  It hindered my pace a little, since this vest hangs lower in front of my hips, but still achieved the effect I wanted.

* Didn’t get a good grip established at the start of the 2 minute hang, so I’m pretty pleased with how that went.

* My right hip feels amazing right now after those reverse hypers, so I really think I need to learn that lesson and start doing them more than once a week.  I don’t need to do them as heavy, because I don’t want to cause MORE problems by repetitive motion stuff, but I am sure I can get a tonic effect going.  At least as I get closer to the competition.   The ultimate cure will be more intelligent programming, and I have a few ideas for that.

* Wonderful family meal last night.  Spaghetti with bison meat sauce, some garlic bread, and Valkyrie’s oatmeal peanut butter cookies with butterfingers mixed in with some local raw honey and some fairlife skim. My father-in-law almost ate all the cookies before I had a chance to get to them: I forget about having “roommates”, haha.  On that note, they took off this morning, short trip, but back to living.  Got a long weekend coming up, which will impact things slightly.

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