Thursday, August 15, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3331

AM WORKOUT (0410 wake up via alarm, really good night of sleep)


Just gonna narrate.  I took my 182lb/82kg keg for max distance carries, then would run back to the start, backwards drag a prowler to the keg, run back to start, throw my throwbag (30lb) to the keg, load the keg on the prowler, backwards drag it back to the start, run back to the bag, and throw it back to the start.

Did that 3 total times in 40 minutes.  First time, I carried the keg the the .05 mile mark, turned around and walked it back a bit.  Second time was about .025 mile mark.  Third time, I carried the keg from the bottom lip in a semi-bear hug and got about .0125.


* This continues to be, apparently, my least motivating training day, because I seriously contemplated skipping it again.  I did that last week.  My alarm went off in the middle of a REM cycle and I just wasn't feeling this.  We had some bad storms last night and I was curious if it was still raining, as it would have been a good excuse to skip out.  Eventually, I managed to lie to myself about what I would do, got up, and got it done.  I'm glad to have done so, as this is a day that will directly contribute to competition results, but it's still just a slog.  I do imagine a big part of it is how I have to load everything into my truck and traveling circus it to the training area.

* Been a LONG time since I've used this keg.  It was the first one I ever purchased.  My right lower back was pretty sore/stiff to start, and this felt much heavier than I remembered.  Toward the end, I had a good feel for it again.

* Focused on really just trudging along, re-lapping as needed, ragathering, and getting "just one more step".  I'm going to do everything in my power to take this as far as I can.  

* My first throw in each series was always my best one.  I'm getting better at staying loose until the moment of release.

* When this was all done, my body actually felt better than when I started.  The reverse drags are probably pretty tonic.

* 10 years ago I met Robert Oberst and Nick Best at my third strongman competition.  Crazy how the time flies.  Also crazy just how big those men are.  And how dark my hair was.

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