Saturday, August 24, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3339

Another awesome weekend day.  Since the Valkyrie had to go away early, breakfast was up to me, so I whipped out my Ninja Gridle and cooked up a 10oz grassfed piedmontese New York Strip, 3 slices of beef bacon, 3 grassfed organic beef hot dogs (I'm bougie like that), some no sugar added reduced sodium bacon for the kiddo, 5 pastured eggs with grassfed ghee and jarlsburg swiss for me, 2 pastured eggs for the kiddo, and a few others odds and ends for the in-laws.  

Once breakfast was accomplished, took the dogs for a 1.5 mile walk, and then got in my mat pulls

(2) Texas Deadlift Bar Mat Pulls


My hip is feeling BETTER than it was last week, but I can still trigger the nerve pain.  My second and third pulls were actually better than my first, as I was fishing-rod-ing the first one but much more stable/sturdy on the second and third.  

After THAT, we all went to the air show, which was hours of walking around in the hot sun.  Got some good exposure, no sunblock, and fasted the entire time.  My rule was, if there were turkey legs, I'd eat one...there were no turkey legs.  I wasn't hungry and nothing looked enticing.  That's food freedom: I love it.

I also did 14 dead hang chin ups at the Marine Corps recruiting booth and won a shaker bottle...and honestly, that's embarrassing.  I could always knock out 20 no sweat, and I'm lighter now than I've been in a while.  I definitely need to prioritize those in my next training phase.

When we got BACK, I did something I always wanted: ate an entire rack of ribs from our favorite local BBQ place.  I picked up dinner for the family, and that was my pick, and I even got a side of pulled pork from my kiddo.  I topped many of the ribs with either ghee or grassfed sour cream.  Was a fantastic meal, great way to round out the day.  And I even got in some throws after dinner while taking out the trash.

I really dig days like this.  Big hearty breakfast, lots of low intensity activity, one big hard workout for 5 minutes, no lunch, big dinner.  This is how I want to live forever one day.

Gotta include breakfast photos

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