Monday, August 12, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3328

AM WORKOUT (0425 wake up via alarm.  Slept in with day off work)

**PHYREXIAN DREADNOUGHT** Phase 4, Week 3, Workout 1

Axle continental and press away in some fashion, EMOM for 10 minutes w/136







Wheels fell off, survived

SSB Front Squat








3x10 standing ab wheel

17x125 SSB good mornings

50 band pull aparts

30xAverage Band axle shrugs

100 Axle Poundstone Curls

25-10-7-5-5-5 dips superset w/5-3-2-2-2 chins

Neck harness work


* Was low on energy and pop.  Weekends are pretty taxing on this point, and I need to eat more.  Weighed in at 82.1kg AFTER breakfast and 30oz of green tea with electrolytes mixed in, so I'm light enough for weight making.

* Definitely just need plain ol more upper body volume.  I've thought about stealing the assistance from Building the Monolith moving forward.

* Little bit of right hip pain flaring up again.  Comes and goes.

* Right bicep was REALLY cramping up on the heavy set of front squats.  Unique problem to have.  Especially chasing it with the Poundstone curls.

* REALLY focused on the hip hinge on the good mornings. 

Got in a 1.5 mile walk today with the kiddo, and then I got HOOKED UP at back to school night.  They had food trucks, and I decided to see what shenanigans I could come up with. 

Went to the Thai Food truck and asked "Hey, could I get JUST the chicken from the chicken pad thai?  Like, charge me for the whole thing but just give me the chicken.  I'll order 2 servings and pay that much."  There was a little confusion at first, 

"You want no noodles or rice?  Just chicken and veggies and eggs?" 

"No veggies, but oh if you can do eggs too that'd be awesome".  

"...yeah, we can do that!"

What I was expecting: by asking for 2 servings worth of just the chicken from the pad thai, I'd get one decent serving worth of chicken.

What I got

What I ate:

...all of it.  And the chicken that was leftover from my wife's chicken fried rice.

Gotta celebrate these Ws.  I forgot, from my time in south Asia, that these folks tend to dig a big dude with a big appetite.  Yesterday, a south asian gentlemen working at the gas station informed me "I like your body: it's very cool" while flexing at me.  I appreciate the frankness there.

Yeah, was there some sort of sauce and oil on the food that didn't make it ultra carnivore clean?  Sure, but considering this is the day I typically have my carb up meal, that's a minor issue.  I WAS kinda hoping it'd be a little spicy, just because I haven't had spice in a while, but it was just temperature hot.

But still: what a way to get to yes.

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