Sunday, August 18, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3334

Another great weekend.  Slept until about 0730, got in my squats and push ups was still full from dinner last night, which was perfect because the Valkyrie didn't feel like making breakfast.  I suggested she go take the kiddo out for some donuts and I was able to walk the dogs for a little over 2 miles.  Very Dan John-esque: a simple morning workout, some green tea, and then a walk.

Fast continued until lunch, wherein I had a small ala carte' teriyaki chicken from Panda Express.  Still wasn't hungry, but was out with the family and figured some protein wasn't a bad idea.

Got home from chores, set the smoker to work, did some backyard clean up, restored my Ironmind gear, loaded it up to do Grace...and didn't do it.  Was honestly just the last thing I wanted to do.  I think this contest prep has gone on too long: it's been too specific and I'm getting burnt out.  But, in turn, I'm allowing myself to just not do things if I don't want to do them.

Meanwhile, dinner/meal prep went awesome

Some piedmontese beef back ribs on the left next to some pastured eggs, on the right is a smoked roast from a white tail I took home last fall. On the bottom is a piedmontese grassfed bavette and a piedmontese center cut ribeye.  Kiddo loved the ribeye and bavette: didn't care for the deer.  I enjoyed both the ribs, the eggs, and a few servings of everything else, and now have a great amount of meat for the week.

Valkyrie made some peanut butter oatmeal chocolate chip caramel cluster cookies.  I'm excited about having those tomorrow.

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