Tuesday, August 6, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3323

AM WORKOUT (0410 wake up via alarm)

75 KB swings w/57.5lb bell

2.8 mile walk at 3.0 mph pace w/80lb vest

85x270 reverse hypers


Short walk w/both dogs


* If ever there was a time for a tonic workout, this was it.  And like bitter medicine, I never want it, but I know I’m better for doing it.  This is probably one of the most positive things I’ve included in my training. 

* Really felt like I was hustling on the walk, but at one point I hit a jagged part of the sidewalk, flew forward 5 steps and nearly ate it which, with a weight vest on, is pretty terrifying.  It didn’t feel too terribly great on my back.  After that point, I imagine I throttled back a little subconsciously and ended up keeping the 3.0 pace.

* Reverse hypers felt good on the back/hips.  I’m mostly recovered, but still stiff. 

* Speaking of mostly recovered, still holding onto some of the illness.  I’ve actually got a little pooch of water on my lower abdomen right now: it’s kind of funny to see, since my abs are still well defined.  Body is just holding inflammation.  Also had my carb up yesterday, so I’ve got some water.

* Tang Soo Do is on the schedule tonight, but my Valkyrie got hit hard with whatever it was that I had.  I may stay home with her and play nurse.  This is when we’re supposed to get our new belts, so there is a chance she’ll attend just to receive that and bow out: we’ll play by ear.

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