Wednesday, August 14, 2024

 Training Log: Entry 3330

AM WORKOUT (0410 wake up via alarm.  Slightly rough night of sleep due to thunderstorms/flash flooding)

**PHYREXIAN DREADNOUGHT** Phase 4, Week 3, Workout 2

30 minutes, start each round with 1 axle zercher squat from floor w/206, 3x125 weighted dips, 3x55 weighted chins. Add a squat each round until failure. Work back down. Got up to 8 for failure and 1 backdown set

Low Handle Trap Bar Pulls



3x10 standing ab wheel

Lateral raise dropset (35x10lb, 35x5s, 35x2.5, 35xEmpty Hands)

1 minute timed hold low handle trap bar w/315 (felt calluses wanting to tear, shut it down)


Short walk w/both dogs


* Original plan was EMOM w/245 on the axle zercher, but couldn’t break it off the floor.  Apparently these back spasms are showing themselves.  Came up with this on the spot and pretty pleased with how it worked out.  The heavy dips were spot on, and by the time I got to rep 6 or 7 on the way up I was fighting for it.  It would have been nice to Tower of Babel it fully, but I needed to keep to my schedule.  

* Those trap bar pulls were definitely a test.  Felt myself wanting to spew around rep 8. I came in saying “I need to beat 10” and I did it.  This is twice as many reps as what I started the cycle with, which is awesome.  Really enjoying seeing this lift grow each week.

* Timed hold was pretty solid.  I was sore, sweaty and fatigued going in.  I feel like I will be pretty strong come comp time.

* Tang Soo Do last night wasn’t too terribly exhausting, which was good for the Valkyrie as she recovered.  Before class started though, I went through my staff form 17 times.  I intentionally selected the heaviest staff available for purchase, so this is a really solid deltoid workout.

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