Wednesday, November 9, 2005

Training Log: Entry 149

Attended American Kickboxing class

Greeted instructor.  Announced my desire to participate. 
When told to get some wraps, I produced my own.  After the crowd
gathered, drills started.

First drill:
On standing bag
Jab-cross-jab-cross-left hook-right hook-left uppercut-right
uppercut-left elbow-right elbow-left knee-front
kick-sidekick-roundkick-switch stance roundkick
Then repeat with left foot lead (previous was right foot lead)

Second Drill:
On standing bag
Jab-cross-jab-cross-left hook-right hook--left uppercutright
uppercut-spin backfist-front
kick-sidekick-3Xroundkickswitch stance roundkick
Then repeat with left foot lead

Third drill:
On standing bag
Burnouts.  Jab-cross as hard/fast as possible with good form.

Fourth drill:
On standing bag.  Tie a jump rope and stretch it from about chest height.  Jab-cross-bob/weave-jab-cross

Fifth drill:
On standing bag.
Pyramid roundhouse kicks.  1-10.  Switch legs.

Sixth drill:
On standing bag
from a squat-stand-front kick-squat-stand other leg front kick-squat
repeat with roundkick

After that, did some conditioning.  Mainly abs.

Instructor has no problem with me doing things the Muay Thai way (ala
my roundhouses, elbows, and knees) rather than the KB way. 
Good workout.  INstructor is lax on correcting technique, but there are mirrors everywhere.
Mainly female crowd. 
Hands torn from improper punching form.

Was major fun.


  1. hey,i've been following your training log for awhile. Confused about one of the drills:Fourth drill:On standing bag. Tie a jump rope and stretch it from about chest height. Jab-cross-bob/weave-jab-crossWhat exactly does the jump rope do? Do you tie it around the bag? A little unclear, your description

  2. tie it around the bag so that it creates something to bon/weave under.
