Monday, October 31, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2583

AM WORKOUT (0440 natural wake up)

**CHAOS IS THE PLAN** Week 4, Workout 1

Buffalo bar squat

50 reps of 315 in 8:20 (28 reps in first set)

Straight into belt squats

Reps of 175,150,125,100,75,50,25,Axle

30 GHRs


* With Super Squats happening soon, I took a pivot here and just went for some pain.  Day off work also meant I wanted a shorter workout.  This was fantastically brutal.\



PBJ+5 mins ABCs+.5 PBJ

Got in 32 Burpee Chins in the first PBJ and 11 in the second


* Since this morning was so short, I went for something more ambitious, and this continues to deliver.  Happy Halloween.

Sunday, October 30, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2582

Slept until 0700 off and on, woke up and did another fasted tabata workout of 4 burpee chins on the 20 and a bear complex on the 10.  I need to name this, because I do it often enough and it's effective enough.

What WASN'T effective was this early afternoon workout.

Doubles of devil presses into thrusters.  It SOUNDED like it would be a real ball buster, but ABCs are better

So I did ABCs

25 in 5 minutes, with 20 unbroken.  Matching previous PR.

That's a total of about 13 minutes of work in the day, and all 13 minutes sucked pretty hard.  That's making the most with the least.

And while I'm talking that, here is a dinner I whipped up in a few minutes because I was behind the 8-ball

Chicken burger with an egg white topped, chicken bacon, an onion ring on a keto bun with lettuce, tomato and pickle.  Been another great "get to yes" day.

Saturday, October 29, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2581

Slept until 0715 and knocked this out immediately upon waking

You can see I'm still in my pajamas

Tabata.  During the 20 seconds, get in 4 burpee chins.  During the 10 seconds, 1 bear complex.

Got in “KINDERGARTEN” after lunch. I put my money where my mouth is on this one, as I keep saying I came up with the best 20 minute workout of all time…and I really think I did. My monument was a dandy birthday workout yesterday, but Kindergarten STILL floors me. I actually cut the burpee chins down to 4 and 2 minutes respectively, as I feel like I’m getting too much “rest” doing them. Perhaps the solution will be to keep them on the Tabata timer and get in 3s and 2s per round. Still room to play around, like a real PBJ.

 Training Log: Entry 2580

Fantastic Birthday.  Kicked off with a Birthday edition of the Monument to Non-Existence

37x185 front squat to squat to ssb squat to deadlift

BBQ for lunch w/onion rings

24 ABCs in 5 minutes before a dinner of steak and eggs

With sunbutter pie for dessert

Tang Soo Do night was sparring. I’m re-discovering things from eons ago, primarily because the senior student I get to spar against has no fight experience, so he makes the kind of mistakes that you normally only get fed during concept drill. He spent the whole night circling toward my power side, moving straight back, giving up ring control, putting himself in corners, putting all his weight on his backfoot, etc. I got to drill leading him into spin hook kicks, cutting off corners, coming in at angles: it was pretty fun.

Oh yeah, on top of all the training, also got in a 2 mile walk. ALSO bought a 2020 Colt Python. I’ve legit wanted a Colt Python since 1998, and it was kismet for me to find one on my birthday, so I pulled the trigger (pun fully intended). I’ll be bringing it home on Halloween, and can’t wait to take photos.

And my amazing wife, on top of getting me an outdoor ninja grill/smoker, also got me this

Could not have had a better day

Thursday, October 27, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2579

AM WORKOUT (0325 natural wake up)

**CHAOS IS THE PLAN** Week 3, Workout 4


Texas deadlift bar touch and go deadlifts

10+4+4x405+chains (12 deep breaths between sets)


20 rounds EMOM

* Odd rounds: 5x316 axle deadlifts
* Even rounds: 5x225 SSB squats


* 30 GHRs
* 40x380 reverse hyper
* 30 standing ab wheel



12 EMOM rounds of putting plates away as fast as possible+various band work, but at the top of each minute knocked out 5 chins and 5 dips

32 axle shrugs against strong short bands


* Because of an unplanned work trip (chaos IS the plan), I made this my last deadlift workout of the cycle, so went straight from 3 mats to floor.  Good showing for that.  I had some higher ambitions for how insane I wanted to make this workout, but morning of I just wasn’t feeling it, so just made it one big set with the follow on supplemental work.  Still a hard pull for me, and my face reflects the effort with all the blown out blood vessels.  Having to pull the weight silently definitely adds a new challenge variable.

* Made the supplemental work a little easier so I could stretch it a little longer.  After that topset pull, deficits weren’t gonna happen, so kept it to the floor with a consistent rep range and rolled with it.  It timed out perfect, because by round 20 I was absolutely toast.

* The conditioning at the end was cute and answered the mail, but definitely wasn’t as taxing as I’d like.  Got the objectives taken care of though.  I can run TABEARTA or something similar tonight.

* It’s my last day of being 36.  I have an idea for something evil to do tomorrow morning, but, with Chaos being the plan, we’ll see what happens.


TABEARTA upon getting home from work.  I'm moving slow on it: fatigue and low calories are showing.

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2578

AM WORKOUT (0320 natural wake up)

**CHAOS IS THE PLAN** Week 3, Workout 3

200 burpee chins in 41:30

50 pull aparts

25 pushdowns


Lateral raises




20 standing ab wheels


* Original plan was 100 BCs w/80lb vest, but after doing 10, the ROM on the chin was just too short for me, and the training was moving too slow to get a decent training effect.  This was a decent compromise.

* I was HURTING on TABEARTA.  Couldn't get in the 3 per round at the end.  Appears 200 burpee chins DOES cause a little fatigue.

* Sparring night for Tang Soo Do tonight.  Should be a good workout.

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2577

AM WORKOUT (0320 natural wake up)

**CHAOS IS THE PLAN** Week 3, Workout 2

7 rounds in 30 minutes of:

* 10x135lb barbell thrusters

* 5x135lb barbell clean each rep and strict press

* 50 pull aparts

* 25 pushdowns

Poundstone Curls




24 Tabata rounds of burpee chins and 123lb axle clean and strict press

* Burpee chins on the 20, axle on the 10.  

* First 8 rounds was 3 BCs, next 8 2, final 8 1


* Original plan was 45 minutes, but I had to tap out.  My right forearm was in agony.  Squats most likely put some strain on it.  It’s also pretty rare that I use a barbell for so much cleaning outside of TABEARTA.  I’m so used to using an axle and not having any rotation, so I was death gripping this and man handling it, and it just made things worse.  I like this idea behind this though: overhead through a variety.  Those were some SLOW thrusters.  I may end up combining a bit of all these weeks together next week and do something like thrusters from the rack and log vipers.

* Amazingly, the Poundstone curls felt good on my connective tissues.  In that regard, the victory from today is that my LEFT bicep/forearm had no issues.

* That conditioning at the end was a solid bit of redemption.  Got in some reps too.


24 ABCs in 5 minutes w/24kg bells (20 unbroken, new PR)


* My elbows thought this was a bad idea. 

* F**k them.

* That press on 20 was garbage, but that's pretty cool because it means I'm outrunning my lungs and finally running into muscular weakness as the limiting factor, and BOY do I know how to fix that.

Monday, October 24, 2022

Training Log: Entry 2576

AM WORKOUT (0320 natural wake up)

**CHAOS IS THE PLAN** Week 3, Workout 1

Box Squats




Buffalo Bar Squats





**ZENO SQUATS** (12 deep breaths between sets)














Belt squat (no rest/lockout)


Reps of 175,150,125,100,75,50,25,Axle

* 40x380 reverse hyper

* 30 GHRs

* 30 standing ab wheels

* 50 band pull aparts

* Neck work



10 rounds of

* 10 KB swings w/40kg bell

* Burpee chins (10-9-8…1)

Time: 12:53

* 25 pushdowns

* Curls


* This workout really pushed me.  Once again, breaking my own protocol by going up two reps per week on the topset vs 1, and the effect is showing.  Took a LOT of self-talk to get me through the sets.  The very topset of 10x425 was honestly not too awful, but all the work following it is soul-breaking.  Lots of profanity, lots of “I don’t want to be here right now”.  Yet again, for those of you that like training, I don’t get you.

* Stayed diligent about going straight from the Zenos into the belt squats.  That’s really been a gamechanger for me, as is rolling straight into the other work as well.  I came very close to losing chow on the reverse hypers, and having my GHR in the basement means the delight of coming UP the stairs when it’s all done.  Basically, from rep 1 of 425 until rep 30 of the ab wheel I was absolutely smoked.

* That conditioning at the end was pretty baller.  Having the BC number drop means shorter downtime between swings, so the heart rate really gets jacked up at the end.


TABEARTA upon getting home.  I was hurting coming into it.  That squat workout took a lot out of me.  No idea what I'm doing tomorrow.

Sunday, October 23, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2575

Slept off and on until 0700 and did the same fasted workout as yesterday because it's a real burner.  TABATA burpee chins, get in 4 per 20 seconds, and then do 1 bear complex during the 10 seconds down time. Once again, found some magic there.

Got home between dropping off groceries and heading out to my kid's sporting event and knocked out 26 ABCs in 5 minutes with 24kg bells, getting 17 unbroken to start.  I legit just shucked off my t-shirt and kept on my dad-mode cargo shorts

Sprained the tendon in my left forearm which I'm pretty sure is actually my retracted bicep tendon, which is kinda funny really.  I'll see how nice it plays for the rest of the week.

Bar is loaded for Zenos tomorrow.  Brought my new Ironmind axle down into my basement so that it won't get as much patina as my now beater one.

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Training Log: Entry 2574

Slept until 0640, got up and did a dandy fasted TABATA workout where I did burpee chins on the 20 seconds and 1 95lb bear complex during the 10s.  By round 7 I was absolutely smoked.

Got stuff done, came home and did a Monument workout.  Shook out to

15x225 front squats straight into 20x225 squats into 25x225 SSB squats into 30x225 deadlifts

I rested long enough to put the plates away, then did 5 EMOM rounds of 3 ABCs w/24kg bells, because I just can't get enough apparently.

I've got a little more time to get some thoughts down.  Big thing is: I NEEDED that Monument workout.  I've been hiding from it, and it shows.  I still hit my old numbers, but it was ROUGH.  I wanted to quit at rep 1 of the SSB squats and getting through the back squats was a slog.  Definitely good to tap into it.

I'm feeling the effects of the low cals, which is great, because it inspires me to eat big when the time comes.  Sleep is suffering a touch because of this. 

Friday, October 21, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2573

AM WORKOUT (0335 wake up via alarm)

**CHAOS IS THE PLAN** Week 2, Workout 5


(3) Texas deadlift bar touch and go mat pulls
12+5+5x405+chains (12 deep breaths between sets) (2 rep PR with longer ROM)

* 50 band pull aparts


12 minute EMOM:

* Odd minute: 316lb axle deficit deads

* Even minute: 225lb SSB squat


* 40x380 reverse hyper

* 30 GHRs

* 30 standing ab wheel



AMRAP in 10 min of

* 3x226 axle deads

* 3x135 SSB front squat

* 5 chins

* 5 dips

Got through 7, timed out on the 8th

* 30 axle shrugs against strong short bands


* My motivation for deads is pretty much gone these days, which is so unique considering this was “my lift”, but maybe that’s why: I’m over it.  That said, it was dandy seeing growth between the two weeks.  I’m re-learning the skills to be able to move hard and heavy again.  For the most part, a ROM progression mat pull workout is an exercise in pain tolerance.  You set up knowing that the first rep is going to suck and hurt a lot, and that, after that, all the other reps are ALSO going to suck and hurt, and you just hold on until you can’t.  From there, it’s a matter of how long you can hold your breath (I got to 8 reps this time) and then how much you can endure.  Really focusing on trying to bring my hips though.  Didn’t cause nearly as much damage as last time, AND managed to hit a PR in blown out blood vessels, so lots of wins.

* That EMOM supplemental workout is just “the answer”, as much as I can’t stand it.  Any time I try to hide from it, I don’t grow.  Meanwhile, one of these days, I need to knuckle down and make a whole workout out of it, because it’s transformative.

* I like what I came up with for conditioning.  It wasn’t a lung breaker, but I got in even more volume from weird angles.  I’m pulling with weightlifting shoes there, which is always unique.  Nearly forgot shrugs too, until I started cleaning up the training space.


TABEARTA.  It still sucks, but I recover better.

Thursday, October 20, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2572

AM WORKOUT (0330 natural wake up)

**CHAOS IS THE PLAN** Week 2, Workout 4

300 push-ups with an 80lb vest in under 65 minutes

* 50 pull aparts

* 25 pushdowns


AMRAP in 5 minutes of

* 10 KB swings w/40kg bell
* 10 chins (various grips)


* Used a couple of different strategies to get through this.  Original plan was to run Brian Alrsuhe’s 1-10-1 push up challenge, but that plan got Mike Tyson’d pretty early so I played around a bit.  Settled on Juarez Valley to 10 to start, then 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9 to get 100 total.  All in all, it was miserable, and my shoulders feel like they’re going to fall off, but adding the element of occasionally standing up added a dandy little level change variable.

* After that was done, I didn’t have much need for daily work.  I basically did 300+ weighted planks and more than enough pressing, so I got in the band work and chins with some swings for a short conditioning burner.  I’m thinking ABCs later, but it will be interesting to see how I’m holding up.


24 ABCs in 5 minutes w/24kg bells: 18 unbroken to start (new PR)


* What's pretty awesome is my bicep is holding out through this all.  Previously, it was these sets under fatigue that were jacking it up.  I may just keep chasing this unbroken sets PR and see where it takes me.

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2571

AM WORKOUT (0415 wake up via alarm) FASTED

**CHAOS IS THE PLAN** Week 2, Workout 3


* 1 PBJ (TABEARTA w/95lbs w/3 complexes per round+5 min Burpee Chins (31 total)+50 KB swings w/40kg bell)

* 5 minutes of ABCs w/24kg bells, 15 total (3 per round EMOM)

* .5 PBJ (4 round TABEARTA, 2.5 min BC (11 total), 25 swings)



* 30 GHRs


* EMOM, buy-in w/3x135 front squat, then fill the rest of the minute with either dips, standing ab wheel, 90lb reverse hyper, band pull aparts or pushdowns until all numbers hit.  Took 8 rounds.  Spent the 9th round going for max reps on the front squat and got 12 done


* I’ll keep patting myself on the back here, but I keep discovering gold.  For the life of me, I don’t know if I can come up with a more effective 20-ish minute workout than Kindergarten.  It just hits everything from all sorts of angles and leaves me floored.  Key points are the transition from the swings to the ABCs and from the ABCs to the half TABEARTA.  That’s where we “find ourselves”.  The burpee chins occupy a nice spot in that it’s a chance to breathe if you want it, but you can also knuckle down and make something of yourself through it.

* All that said, once again: this was the absolute last thing I wanted to do this morning.  Motivation even more shot than usual, and I attribute that to being outside a gaining phase.  Always hard to get to “why” when I’m not building.  But, like taking your medicine, once it was over I was glad I did it, AND doing something this ball busting helps.  If I had just gone for a weighted vest walk, I’d really have been miffed.

* The daily work circuit at the end was a nice touch, specifically with the front squats for buy in.  Definitely need to get more of those in.

* No real follow up planned for now.  Tang Soo Do was canceled tonight, so family might just get some reps in.  Tomorrow, I’m throwing on the vest and doing a LOT of weighted vest push ups.


Got in a quick 15 keg one motions in 1:30.  I am definitely feeling yesterday's workout.  Had to tape up my vest for tomorrow: plan on treating myself to a new one soon.

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2570

AM WORKOUT (0321 natural wake up)

**CHAOS IS THE PLAN** Week 2, Day 2

33 rounds EMOM:

* 3 chins various grips

* 3 keg 1 motions w/155lb keg

1 extra rep on the 33rd round to get an even 100

* 50 pull aparts
* 50 dips
* 25 pushdowns


* 40x90 reverse hypers
* 20 standing ab wheels



30 reps of push-ups onto kettlebells into DKB clean and press w/24kg bells


* The keg work produced an interesting kind of fatigue.  My lungs weren’t exploding, but I just feel flat and crushed.  Keeping it at 3 reps the entire time was a solid enough challenge at the end.  Still, cutting out the level change was a mistake.  I thought the heavier weight on the keg combined with the brutality of the one-motion would be enough to scratch the itch, but there needs to be a “get off the floor” element.

* Conditioning kinda fell flat too.   It’s a broken down Devil’s press, going press instead of snatch at the top.  It works “enough”, but wasn’t quite what I hoped for.  But I got in a LOT of pressing today.

* On that note: thinking ABCs later today, just to complete the insanity.  This is also the first week in months where I don’t need to run all my training days back to back, so tomorrow will be some sort of conditioning day.  That’s exciting.  Also realized coming into work this morning that I forgot my deload week after Hardgainers.  Whoops.

* Bodycomp has improved in the 1 week of reduced cals.  Just less bloat in general.


Got in 23 ABCs in 5 minutes w/24kg bells, 17 unbroken to start, which is a PR of some sort.  When I first started doing ABCs, I got 18 in 5 minutes.  17 unbroken took me 2:45.  That's pretty nutty.  Also nutty that it took me another 2:15 to get in 6 more, but such is life.

Monday, October 17, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2569

AM WORKOUT (0328 natural wake up)

**CHAOS IS THE PLAN** Week 2, Day 1

Box jumps


Buffalo Bar Squat

**ZENO SQUATS** (12 deep breaths between sets)


* Belt squat stripset (no lockout/rest between sets) of 22x200, then reps of 175,150,125,100,75,50,25 and axle

* 40x380 reverse hyper

* 30 GHRs

* 30 standing ab wheels

* 50 pull aparts

Tabata intervals alternating between dips and chins while putting plates away during the 10 second rests (50 reps of dips and chins)

* 25 pushdowns

* Neck work



2 ladders up to 5 of

* DKB clean

* Front rack lunge

* Alternating snatch

So 1 clean, 1 lunge, 1 snatch, 2 cleans, 2 lunges, 2 snatches, etc


* I’m breaking protocol by jumping the Zenos up by 2 reps vs one, but since this is such a short training cycle I’m ok with that.  Going by feel and taking those opportunities when they present.  8 reps was challenging, but didn’t get the shoulder clicking/grinding until I was hitting the final set of 15 at the end.  Really keeping the bar low on my back.

* It was a legit “straight into belt squat” here, since I wasn’t fumbling around with video.  I had to take enough time to get out some dry heaves, but after that it was game on.  And then rolling straight into the hypers and then the GHRs had me just stumbling around the garage.  

* Chinning ability is coming back.  That weird pain in my rib is getting much better.  Just a small twinge.

* Doing my best to keep in box jumps and single leg work.  It’s quasi-athletic, and good for me.

* Got the bar loaded for TABEARTA this evening, and still figuring out tomorrow’s workout.  I’m leaning toward 100 keg one-motions, but don’t know how I want to break it up after that.  Part of me is thinking KB clean and front squat, part of me is thinking front squat out of the rack, part of me thinks classic burpee chins.  And I may completely abandon the idea since the keg can make a ton of noise.  Chaos is the plan.


TABEARTA upon getting home

Sunday, October 16, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2568

Got in a fasted TABEARTA upon waking, and then got in 25 ABCs in 5 minutes w/24kg bells with 16 unbroken ABCs to start.  I did that on my way to pick up my second Ironmind axle (technically 3rd, if you count the one I bought for Brian Alsruhe)

Comparing the two together is pretty wild.  This place has a LOT of humidity.  

Never thought I'd be in a place in my life where I have a "beater Ironmind axle"...

Saturday, October 15, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2567

Usual crazy Saturday.  Got in fasted tabata burpees over bar with prisoner squats during the 10 second rests in the AM, did a bunch of chores, hit this after lunch

Keg Grace WOD into Fran into 5 minutes of ABCs into TABEARTA

Mowed the lawn for 45 minutes afterwards

Thursday, October 13, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2566

AM WORKOUT (0320 natural wake up)

**CHAOS IS THE PLAN** Week 1, Day 3

1000 dips
EMOM, 3 KB swings w/40kg bell

Done inside of 79 rounds


* 50 pull aparts
* A bunch of curls


* There it is.  

* It’s amazing how “fast” this workout felt compared to yesterday’s log effort.  Which, allow me to bask in the fact that I put 135lbs over my head 100 times yesterday on top of 120+ burpee chins and then came and did this this morning.  But yesterday’s workout was far more agonizing.

* The swings were the right call.  Originally was thinking cleans, but they were beating me up.  

* Tang Soo Do was a solid workout last night.  Spent a lot of time drilling some unique kicks in combinations.  I got in a good sweat.


Brought back a classic for the evening.

24 ABCs in 5 minutes w/24kg bells

Got 15 done unbroken. Not bad...considering everything leading up to it

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2565

AM WORKOUT (0330 natural wake up )

**CHAOS IS THE PLAN** Week 1, Day 2

100 log vipers w/135lbs

EMOM do 3 burpee chins

Time: 47:50

* Pace around the garage with a 1000 yard stare saying the f-word to myself

* 50 pull aparts

* 25 pushdowns


* 30 GHRs

* 20 GHR sit ups

Poundstone Curls


* 40x90lb Reverse hypers


* Though this wasn’t technically Kalsu, it’s absolutely Kalsu level difficult.  3 burpee chins vs 5 burpees because, timewise, it’s about the same, and this way I got in even more pulling.  Got me over 120 chins/push-ups on top of 100 log vipers: outstanding volume and density.  And like Kalsu, there’s simply no good way to pace this.  I appreciated getting in 30 reps in the first 10 minutes, but I paid for it toward the end.  Lots of lies to get me through the second half of the workout, but I’m most proud of the fact that I had no “empty” rounds.  No matter what, I got in at least ONE rep of vipers per round.  That’s a big win.

* Also happy with how well my bicep held out through this.  It’s coming along, and this was a good test.  On top of the log cleans, there’s the chins themselves and the Poundstone curls.  

* It’s worth appreciating that, when I actually focused on getting the leg set well on my torso, the reps were far easier.  But sometimes we do things stupid BECAUSE they are more difficult.

* Nice to get in all my daily work again.  It was sliding during hardgainers.  I’ve got Tang Soo Do tonight, and I might get in some short burst workout ala TABEARTA or ABCs, but at this point I’m also willing to be content with what I’ve done.

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2564

AM WORKOUT (0320 natural wake up)

**CHAOS IS THE PLAN** Week 1, Day 1

3x3 box jumps

Buffalo Bar Squats


50 pull aparts

**ZENO SQUATS** (12 deep breaths between sets)




Belt squat stripset (no rest/lockout)
Sets of 175,150,125,100,75,50,25,axle

* 40x360 reverse hyper
* 30 GHR
* 20 GHR sit ups

* 50 chins (various grips) and 50 dips done while putting away plates
* 25 pushdowns
* Neck work

* 25x20lb DB curls



* Ladders of the following: 1 DKB clean, 1 lunge.  2 cleans, 2 lunges, etc. Using 24kg bells.  In between rounds, do 5 swings w/40kg bell.  Work up to 5 reps in a round, then restart the ladder.  Got through 2 full ladders and halfway through a third in 15 minutes.


* Always good to return to a classic like this.  Also solid for my psychology.  I like this break in training because there are zero expectations on day 1: I find out what I can do and then roll with it.  6x425 was challenging, as you can see in the video, but wasn’t world ending.  I have some room to grow.  Given this will only be a 4 week run, I may push harder into the Zenos and go for greater than single rep jumps, but we’ll see how that goes.  Ultimately, I racked the bar today because my right shoulder kept popping and grinding at the end of the set.  I may have a future of SSB squats.

* Belt squat right afterwards remains a classic move.  I may consider bringing the trap bar out for some variety.

* My serratus is healing, but the ab wheel still bugs it quite a bit, so I’m going with the GHR sit ups for ab work.

* I’m so delighted that I can do KB cleans again, so they’re going to feature.  Same reason I have those curls in there too: with what’s left of my left bicep, I’m going to get it as big and strong as possible.


TABEARTA upon returning home.  Still trying to plot what evil will await me tomorrow.  Chaos is the plan.

Monday, October 10, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2563

Got in some training during my downtime.  Did this today

Got in 10 fasted burpee chins before the start of the road trip, 8 hour drive, came home and got in 24 ABCs in 5 mins w/24kg bells.  

Mrs informed me it's been 7 years since I blew out my ACL.  How time flies.

Diet pivot/intensification starts tomorrow with some Zenos.

Friday, October 7, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2562

AM WORKOUT (0500 wake up via alarm)

**5/3/1 FOR HARDGAINERS** Week 6, Workout 4 (final workout)


Low handle trap bar pull






50 band pull aparts


5x5x375 low handle trap bar pulls, performed EMOM


100 burpee KB swings into a chin, w/40kg bell


20 thrusters into 25 front squats into 30 squats into 35 deadlifts w/135lbs


* Been a whole week of protocol breaking, between it simply being the last week of the program and having to deal with weird injuries.  I actually wanted to do 100 stone to shoulders today, but between the bicep and the rib it was a no go.  If I had just ONE of those, I’d make it work, but working around two tends to be when things go south.

* That said, I think this was really the way to go from the start.  EMOM 5x5 FSL is a very solid challenge, and then I got all the assistance work knocked out at once.  If I were to redo THAT part, I’d make it a circuit rather than one movement.  I used to do a burpee/dip/chin circuit that was pretty solid.  While doing this one, I realize that, the other day, I did 100 burpee chins with a 60lb vest, and this was basically an easier version of that with just a swing in the middle.  Snatches might have been the right call instead.  Thinking out loud some more, I think the most obvious solution would have been devil press into chins.  But this is why we experiment. 

* Lunchtime workout was a product of the travel day: just wanted to get something quick and brutal done before I flew.  Gonna be bodyweight/running only for the weekend.  I most likely need the downtime to heal.

* “Diet starts Monday”, as cliché as it is. More like Tuesday with travel, but still, entering what should, ideally, be the “pre-Super Squats” phase.

Thursday, October 6, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2561

AM WORKOUT (0335 wake up via alarm) FASTED


> 1 PBJ (95lb TABEARTA, 31 burpee chins, 40kg bell)

> Into

> 18 ABCs w/24kg bells in 5 minutes (3 ABCs per minute)

> Into

> Half PBJ (4 rounds TABEARTA, 10 burpee chins, 25 swings)


* Working an early shift today, so wanted something quick and packed with brutality.  This absolutely did it.

* The name fits.  Get your PBJ, do your ABCs, have a snack, and then, ideally, a nap.  

* The most brutal part was TABEARTA after the ABCs.  Round 3, in particular, I feel felt like I was going to die.

* You can see on that second round of burpee chins how I had nothing left in me.  I was floored.

* Tang Soo Do last night wasn’t bad.  Got in some roll-falling, for something different.  My rib pain is getting better and migrates more often.  

* Last day of Hardgainers tomorrow, and it’s a travel day as well.   Going to see the in-laws.  Can get the lifting in the morning, and may do some insane conditioning later that day so I can chill out over the weekend and roll into the diet pivot.


I musta still been hungry, because I had another PBJ after work.  Got 36 burpee chins this time.

And speaking of hunger, I made this for myself for dinner.

* Keto bun

* Bottom patty shrimp

* Top patty mahi mahi

* Chicken bacon 

* Fat free cheese 

* Local tomato

* Sugar free bbq sauce 

* And a single onion ring

It was amazing

Served on a paper plate: the only proper way

Last day of Hardgainers tomorrow, then travel, then chaos.

 Training Log: Entry 2560

AM WORKOUT (0327 Natural Wake up)

**5/3/1 FOR HARDGAINERS** Week 6, Workout 3


Axle bench press






Sets of 10 band pull aparts between sets of benching.  First 3 sets no rest, last 2 sets 1 minute rest


100 burpee chins w/60lb vest in under 35 minutes


TABEARTA w/3 complexes per round/95lbs into 50kg swings w/40kg bell


* That rib thing is getting manageable.  Most pain is first thing in the morning, and then it fades through the day.  I took the gamble today.  Unracking the bench was the hardest part.  And caring about benching: that part was hard too.

* I tried out one unloaded burpee chin and found the pain manageable, so I decided to just full send it.  Glad I did.  60lb burpee chins was a great lesson in overcoming.  Definitely some garbage rep chins in there, but it was failure in the pursuit of excellence, which I’ll gladly take.  I’m doing my write-up on the program concurrently, but it’s been cool how, as I’ve added weight, the scale slid on this from conditioning toward assistance work. 

* “Rewarded” myself by skipping the prowler workout to make room for those chins.  They ate up a lot of time, but it was the right call.  Compensated by getting in my TABEARTA early, and then closing with the swings, to make it like some sort of terrible inside out PBJ.  “Fools Gold Loaf” might be appropriate there.

* May be doing Tang Soo Do tonight: will see what the schedule supports.

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2559

AM WORKOUT (0330 natural wake up)

**5/3/1 FOR HARDGAINERS** Week 6, Workout 2


Log clean and strict press away


5x10 pull aparts between sets


Log Viper press (each rep from the floor)

Time: 11:53, accomplished using an EMOM approach

25 pushdowns


* 1 trip down w/low handles, back w/high handles w/50lbs loaded
* 1 trip down w/low handles, back w/high handles w/90lbs loaded
* 1 trip down w/harness, back w/backward drag w/140lbs loaded
* 1 trip down w/low handles, back w/high handles unloaded

Time: 20:00


Poundstone curls

100 reps of incline DB bench w/20lb bells
100 reps of bent over DB rows w/20lb bells


* Celebrating the victories again: another press day without my bicep popping.  My left serratus thing is still an issue.  I think I may have a rib out of alignment, because the pain is awful in the morning, goes away after a few hours, and moves toward my back in the evening.  If nothing else, it’s annoying, as it’s taken away dips/chins and associated movements, at least if I want to be smart and let it heal.  

* The EMOM audible there was outstanding.  I got killed by the clock on round 7 and 9, which is why I ended up at 11:53 vs 10:00.  It was very taxing, and definitely had the metabolic effect I was going for.

* Fantastic showing on the prowler today.  Definitely the praise I’ll sing of this program: it’s gotten me into amazing shape.

* Doing my best to mash that bicep with the Poundstones, and then found SOMETHING I could do assistance-wise to hit the reps.  Dumbbell benching is viable, so I might be doing a bit of that for the future while I sort things out.


Got in TABEARTA and loaded up the weight vest.  That's what hope looks like.

Monday, October 3, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2558

AM WORKOUT (0326 natural wake up) SEMI-FASTED: Half serving of Surge before, half during during

**5/3/1 FOR HARDGAINERS** Week 6, Workout 1


Box Jumps



Buffalo Bar Squats






8x435 (that’s just awesome)

50 pull aparts

25 pushdowns


Buffalo Bar Squat



Belt squat stripset (no rest/lockout)


Reps of 175,150,125,100,75,50,25,axle

40x360 reverse hyper

30 GHR

20 GHR sit ups



100 DKB clean each rep and press w/24kbg bells



* I am so over the moon with that topset of squats. Went in with a goal of 5, and just kept digging and finding more reps as I went. Once again, Jim is some sort of programming sorcerer, I have no idea how it happened and I don’t really care: that was an awesome topset.

* Similar experience with the supplemental work there. Just a good day for squatting in general. I DID switch things up orderwise here. That thing in my serratus has taken away most of my pulling, and rounds of rows wasn’t on the table, so I figured I’d blow out the widowmaker and then just grind away on clean and press after that.

* In that regard, the clean and press was a solid confidence booster for the forearm/bicep. I backed off once I felt technique degrading too far, but still got in a solid set of work.

* Most likely TABEARTA later. Last week of Hardgainers and this was the most significant workout, so now it’s just getting to the finish.


TABEARTA, as predicted

Sunday, October 2, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2557

Slept until 0620 this morning and got in a fasted workout of

50 kb swings w/40kbg bell
Half TABEARTA (3 complexes per round, but only 4 rounds)
25 swings

THAT was pretty effective. While my serratus heals, I still have ways to make things suck.

I then got in another TABEARTA around 1330, and then I brought back 5 minutes of ABCs w/24kg bells at 1800.  Got in 22.  I am SUPER happy about that.  I haven't done ABCs since my bicep started bugging me, and I took these at what I'd call a "leisurely" pace, and managed 22, which was a reach goal when I started.  TABEARTA has been keeping me sharp, and it's awesome to see the carryover.  I'd like to rotate between the two from here out.  My left forearm was pensive coming in, but I got confidence going on.

Last 5/3/1 for Hardgainers squat workout tomorrow.  

Saturday, October 1, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2556

Typical insane saturday

Got in a fasted TABEARTA+50 swing workout around 0630.  Chins are still a bad idea, so no full PBJ

Went walking around a pumpkin patch for 3+ hours, came home and got this done

21-15-9 of thrusters into front squats into squats into deadlifts with 95lbs

Then mowed the lawn for 90 minutes

And we got all the other chores done, because we rock.  I feel like I've been open ocean swimming all day.