Thursday, June 21, 2007

Training Log: Entry 422

I'm going insane. I need to get back to the boxing gym. I hope Maxwell AFB has one. I know Vandenberg will have one, but that's in August. My workouts have gotten crappy as well. I hate all this down time, but thankfully that should be fixed soon.

Might as well map out my routine.

Day 1:
Powerlifting style squat
Overhead press
(Weighted) Pull-ups

Day 2:
Straight Legged Deadlifts
Flat bench
Bent over row

MWF for 6 weeks, then switch off to

Day 1:
Front squat (or Zercher Squat)
(Weighted) Parallel bar dips
(Weighted) close grip chins

Day 2:
Incline bench (maybe close grip, still not sure)
T-bar row (if no t-bar, then low pulley row)

I'll unfortunately need to do this with the AF making me do PT, but it's no 20 rep squats, so I should be fine.


  1. Welcome back dude. Glad to hear the trip went well.

  2. Maxwell has a gym! Yaay! and it's right behind where we are staying...I can't wait til get a gym again.  I love you!
