Friday, June 8, 2007

I am currently away from training, in Hawaii, getting married and going on my honeymoon.  Just doing some swimming and push-ups when I can, and will make use of the hotel weights when I can.  Most likely a lot of unilateral work.


  1. Live it up, dude. We all need breaks.

  2. Hey, thanks for all your help/advice over the past few months. Do stop by GameFAQs every once in a while though.

  3. Good luck man. Although money priorities at the moment have stopped me training at this time, you still act as great inspiration. Thanks for all the help, even when I wasn't posting way over 3-4 years ago.

  4. We all need breaks sometimes.  Watch, when you start training again, you come back feeling better than ever.  You break is just more awesome than others...
