Thursday, April 28, 2005

Training Log: Entry 90

Begin cut phase. 

Am home.  No high carb food available, so starting cutting
phase.  Whey protein will be my stable breakfast, followed by
extensive low carb/high protein diet.  Very much like what I was
eating at the start of log.

Cardio will be as follows.
"On days"-30 minutes HIIT in morning after breakfast, Bag work in afternoon/evening
"Off days" 1 hour of jogging in afternoon, bagwork in evening.

Need to devise a new lifting program for next week.  Will finish off powerlifting split with weights available.

End of school semester.  More time to train.  Will write post semester evaluation as per last time.


  1. Yaay for the commencement of cutting.  Glad to hear that you can go back to "normal".  I can't wait to hear more about your summer's fitness program and read up on your semester's eval.  You're dedication is truly admirable.  You never cease to amaze me.  I'm proud of you!!! Keep it up!  ~aloha~

  2. Congrats on finishing your bulking phase
