Thursday, February 2, 2006

Training Log: Entry 185

Forgot how much I love squats.  How could I go a month without squats?  The Holy Trinity is complete.  All glory be to squats, there is none higher.  Deadlift sits on the right hand of the squat, and bench on the right, completling the trinity.

Great leg day.  Lunges kicked my ass.  Sucks I couldn't throw in the Romanian Deadlifts, but the anti-DL nazi was in the room.

Loving this program.  Gonna make it a staple.

Took some weight gainer today.  Wanna avoid it as much as possible this bulk, but sometimes you just don't get enough calories.


  1. I'm trying to do this really clean.  There's a good amount of Cholesterol in the weight gainer that I don't want to put too much in me.

  2. What weight are you trying to bulk up to this time? Also, what is the big deal about Deadlifts at you gym? I can see why no Power Cleans and stuff, but other then maybe chipping the floor or something whats the problem with deadies?

  3. I'm not bulking to a specific weight, just for 4 weeks.
    There's no deadies because my school is full of pansies.  There's also no cleans either, but that's an unwritten rule.

  4. Wow, I've been using weightgainer everyday for nearly a year now. I love my cholesterol.

  5. I've had too much of it in my life.  It's becoming a health risk.

  6. More than a year, though? I thought you've only been taking it for a few months? And seeing as how you've come off a cut (or at least, losing weight through the boxing place), I'd think you'd be in even better shape to take it.

  7. When I'm home, I eat literally at least twice a day for fast food.  For the first two years of university, it was all fried foods at least twice a day.  Factor that with a history of high blood pressure and high cholesterol in my family, and I need to watch my diet more.
