Wednesday, February 8, 2006

Training Log: Entry 187

Another MMA club meeting.  Interesting new twist: the TKD instructor from my previous entries showed up.

Basically it became a grappling clinic.  I showed the TKD and WC guy five positions (mount, guard, half guard, side mount, rear/back mount), and 4 subs from various positions (armbar, kimura, guillitine, RNC) to get them going.  Had them roll a little bit against each other, and then against me to find some flaws in their game.  Pretty good, they were both quick learners.

Did some light sparring with them both.  WC guy pulled a great knee pick on my lead leg roundhouse kick.  He got stuck trying to trap my jabs.  Used my reach to my advantage.

WAY light sparring with TKD guy.  He's senior to me in ROTC, so I didn't want to hurt him.  He loved the kickrange, and I was too nice to kick out his supporting leg, so I just outmanuevered him.  He panicked bad when I threw some punches at him.  He kept his hands at chest level.  He regretted it.

Goddamnit, dropping hands too much.  Light sparring breeds bad habbits.

Huge revelation today while sparring TKD guy.  I love to box, yet never use it.  Why?  Because I don't practice moving in when working the heavybag.  I start in punch range and stay there.  Everyone realizes this, and keeps me at bay in kick range.  Solution?  From now on, I'm gonna drill on the heavybag from kick range.  Work my footwork, get in quick and nail them. 

Need heavier sparring.  Wish Kenpo guy showed up.

My new weight training program currently has custody of my soul.  I think I'm gonna stick with it for life.

Bulk will be cut short.  I grew huge in a week.  I might zig zag it.  Cleaned up my diet.  Love oatmeal in the morning.

1 comment:

  1. You need to watch more Hajime no Ippo, that'll get you to manage the distance correctly . Yeah, you'll have trouble finding people who'll do full on sparring with you in your club, but at least you'll get the opportunity to practice technique and learn new things. Glad your having fun, keep it up.
