Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Training Log: Entry 6

Note: I have been unable to record my previous days training due to my moving to Portland OR and being without internet access.  Nothing terribly siginificant has happened in said time.  I have changed my lifting split, and will update you on that later (presently Chest/triceps/shoulders, Back/biceps, abs/legs).

The alititude change between Portland and San Diego is taxing my cardio.  For the time being, training is going to be a little shorter due to exhaustion.

0710: Wake up.  8 hours of sleep

0730: Half plate of eggs, half plate of bacon with glass of 2% milk

1100: Plate of chicken, spinach salad, apple with glass of diet coke

1500: 3 chicken strips

1830: 1.5 chicken breasts, 2 scoops of peanut butter, 1 apple w/diet coke

2000-2030: 100 bodyweight sqauts, lunges, abwork and shadow boxing

2200: 100 push-ups

2330: Sleep

Total water consumed: 1 gallon

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