Monday, September 12, 2005

Training Log: Entry 129

Week 1: 183.5
Week 2: 194
Week 3: 201
Week 4: 199

Seems my body is stablizing now.  Odds are it was a waterweight
issue.  Either way, have begun using weight gainer product for
this week of bulking.  Will note results as follows.


  1. hey....thanks for helping last can I drop make weight haha.....but to actually drop weigth and GAIN strenght...cna you please help me out? I want to lift but not gain weight just strenght but drop pounds...right now I'm 167...but I want to go down to 155-160 but be can i do that ..please help me out

  2. Your best bet is to engage in a high intensity cardio program. HIIT every other day, and do some moderate cardio for an hour on your off days. Eat clean, drink plenty of water, and keep lifting. While you're losing weight, don't hope for much strength gains, but once you stablize and start hitting the weights hard, you'll gain some strenght.Hate to break it to ya though, but weight is just a part of strength. If you eat small, you won't gain much, but you'll gain some. Before I got into bulking, I put on 20lbs in about 2-3 years from just lifting and maintaining weight. While bulking, I can put that kinda weight on in a few months.

  3. Oh yeah and I take Muscle Milk twice daily.

  4. Is creatine worth it? I've been gaining about a pound of week eating 6 meals a day of balanced real food. I tried creatine for 3 weeks and all I did was gain 5-10 pounds of water weight. But back then I wasn't as focused as I am now with weight training, and didn't have a proper high volume workout suitable for gaining mass. After I went off of creatine, I kept 5 or so of the pounds I gained through "water weight". Maybe the water weight slowly went away and it was replaced with muscle? Should I go back on creatine?

  5. I'm honestly assessing for myself the value of creatine. I took a cycle of it before, and noticed improved results in my muscular endurance training, but not really in my strength. I'm on a new program at the moment. I basically allow myself the shortest possible rest times while on creatine, whereas before I would need the longest (ie: off creatine, if something said "rest 2-3 minutes, I would rest 3. On creatine, I rest 2.) I don't notice a significant change in my ability for thr shorter rest time, so it may be the creatine at work.

  6. Are you spooning it in your mouth and washing it down? I'm trying to find out how much of a difference that makes. Rene says creatine didn't do much for him, but he just took it with his drink instead of spooning it in his mouth like says to do.
