Sunday, September 25, 2005

Training Log: Entry 134

Another TKD session under my belt.  Same old stuff.  Only new thing was introduction of spin sidekick and jump spin sidekick.  I kind of like spin-sidekick.  I'm contemplating being able to add it.  It's been used effectively as of recently in other MMA venues.  Will see.

Sparred assistant instructor.  He criticized my roundkick saying I wasn't hitting with the right part (he wants me to hit with the ball of the foot rather than the shin/instep).  I told him MT made my shins pretty hard.  He said it's okay now.

He talks smack about me behind my back.  Tells people he "Got a few good shots in on me" in sparring.  I'd kill to give him a few good shots, but must restrain myself.  Maintaining humility is getting difficult.  Still, I'm having fun, and working on some basic stuff like keeping my hands up and flexibility.

Current lifting numbers:

Deadlift day:
Narrow stance deadlift: 2X6@380
Wide stance deadlift: 3X8@360
Romainian deadlift: 2X8@205
Seated cable row: 2X8@250 (full stack)
Bent over row: 2X10@155
Lat pulldown: 2X10@170-180
E-Z bar curl: 2X10@100
Dummbbell hammer curl: 2X12@35-40

Note: for narrow and wide stance, I can only do smith machine straight legged deadlifts due to restrictions in gym.  Sucks.

Squat day:
Deep Squats: 3X6@235
Narrow stance squats: 2X8@235-245
Wide stance squats: 2X8@235
Leg curl heavy: 2X8@170 (full stack)
Leg press: 3X12@350
Leg curl light: 2X10@160
Standing Calf raise: at least 2X10@370 (still haven't found my limit on it)
Seated calf raise: 2X12@110

Bench day:
Bench: 3X6@275-280
Narrow grip: 1X10@225
Wide grip: 1X10@225
Incline Dumbbell press: 3X8@80 per arm
Dips: 3X10@bodyweight
Pec dec: 2X10@150
Skull crusher (machine): 2X10@170
Tricep pull down: 2X12@115-130

Also doing some forearm exercises and stuff for traps, but it's not part of the routine.  Also doing bodyweight stuff on my off days.  Have done 4 weeks of this.  New routine will be the same format, but increase heavy lifts by 25%, and supporting lifts by 15% 


  1. Well, I am glad to hear you are still enjoying the TDK class and that they school of thought and certain members haven't turned you off completely.  You are doing awesome and it is really helpful to have you in class to look to especially when I don't fully understand the instructor.  Your numbers for lifts are looking great!!!  I can't wait to watch you progress with your new routine.  You are so amazing!!! Keep up all your hard work.  Take care..ttyl..I love you!  ~aloha~

  2. Looks like you know what you're doing. The only criticism (and I'm not in any position to criticize) I would make is that you should work your hamstrings a little more, and functionally. It looks like you're big on functional exercises. Romanian deadlifts are one of the best hamstring exercises. I also like lunges, and one-legged swiss ball leg curls. Check them out. I'm not a fan of the lying machine leg curls.
